Album Review: Glitoris’ The Disgrace EP

March 13, 2017 Joe Siess 0

  by: Joe Siess   Band: Glitoris Album: The Disgrace EP Label: Buttercup Records Rating: 3.8/5   Before I’d call Glitoris a “band”, I’d call them a phenomena. Their newest single, “Trump Card”, is a kind of a rattling, vengeful, darkly humorous mockery against a shriveling patriarchy, but with a […]

Donald Trump – Ready or Not Here He Comes

January 20, 2017 Kidman J. Williams 0

By Kidman J. Williams As I sit and watch this inauguration while I am writing this up, the Bible verses have been put out on the table, I can’t help but notice discomfort in Trump’s shrewd little ducky face. And his contempt as the Missouri State Choral sing for him. […]


November 9, 2016 Clayton Luce 0

A PERSONAL MESSAGE FROM THE GONZO TODAY PUBLISHER- words & art by Clayton Luce For those of you feeling a punch in your gut that “you are out of touch and living in a bubble,” go with your gut. You were.  For those of you feeling victorious, you are next […]

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The 58th Annual Founding Fathers’ Debate

November 7, 2016 Tess Stevens 0

by Tess F. Stevens Thomas Jefferson takes off his powdered wig and sits near a gas lamp that hasn’t been useful since 1774. In the ghostly hours of the early morning, he pulls out his quill, dips it in some ink and starts to write. The tip of the instrument glides across […]

Terrible Neurosis at a Trump Rally in Iowa

August 17, 2016 Gonzo Today 0

By: Joseph Siess Des Moines, Iowa in this twisted year of our Lord 2016 is a strange moment in time and space to find oneself. The political landscape in these far flung northern reaches of the high plains are so warped, so degenerate, so strangled by the choking fog of […]


August 3, 2016 Kidman J. Williams 0

By: Kidman J. Williams I envy anybody who’s conscience will allow them to vote for a candidate in 2016. Would it matter anyway? If nobody voted, we’d still have a winner. The candidates leave so much to hate this year. We have everything from Trump being a union busting rapist […]

Hillary Clinton the Bullet Dodger

July 7, 2016 Kidman J. Williams 0

  America might be getting what it deserves. Not what the people deserve, but what the politicians and corporations have brought onto the good and bad people of this country. FBI director James Comey might be the most powerful since J. Edgar Hoover despite Comey’s open criticisms about Hoover. Where […]

How Social Media Killed This Election

May 25, 2016 Tess Stevens 0

Illustration: david pratt by Tess F. Stevens Rolling Stone magazine recently ran a piece on their cover entitled, “Trump Unbound on the Campaign Trail”. You’d think the magazine that fostered some of the shrewdest political reporting of all time would give you an exposé. Something that would rock your world […]