Gonzo Today: Still Standing Tall

We are growing!

by Kyle K. MannGonzo Today Publisher and Contributing Editor

(To hear ex-radio broadcaster Kyle K. Mann read this article, for the first time ever for Gonzo Today, click on the embedded audio file above.)

Here we are at Gonzo Today in late February of 2024, still around and doing what we want. Remarkable, ain’t it?

If we feel like writing and publishing something, we do. Sometimes we don’t publish for weeks, even months.

It ain’t because we don’t love ya, it’s just that something came up. Or we didn’t feel particularly creative.

GT has never yet asked for money. Well, not lately, but don’t wince. We ain’t asking for any dough now either. Nor have we ever asked you to endure pop-up ads, redirects, paywalls either partial or total, or other insults to your web browsing enjoyment.

As a person who, like many of you, spends hours a day looking at various websites trying to make sense of them and the world we live in, I know what I don’t like.

Which is a lot. I endure some websites, like say the Washington Post, CNN, Fox or USA Today, because I’m curious what the narrative is that the mainstream news is currently pushing. It’s a slimy feeling, reading their stuff. Some have relentless paywalls and I’ve given up completely except for an occasional headline browse, like the New York Times. 

The slant these publications shove at the reader is so overt, it’s laughable. But you knew that.

Gonzo Today’s official position on U.S. politics is simple: we are disgusted by both parties. The current looming Biden/Trump rematch is an atrocity that is both scary and laughable. How is this even happening? These are obviously not the two best candidates for the job of President. We were thinking third party, but recently, uh maybe not.

Wars rage in Eurasia as bellicose leaders threaten and rant. Poverty and starvation haunt the Americas, Africa, Asia and Europe. Environmental degradation and contamination grows. Currency inflation makes life increasingly difficult.

Censorship on social media is widespread, with whistleblowers being silenced by deplatforming and defunding. In extreme cases, jail and torture are used, as in the case of jailed Julian Assange.

We at GT have seen some examples of censorship on FaceBook, where we have just shy of 20 thousand followers. We don’t really have much presence on the many other social media platforms, for various reasons.

Our Wikipedia article remains a flat, neutral description of the website, instead of a hostile attack, as some Wikipedia articles about media websites have become in recent years.

It can be argued that the reason we haven’t been messed with is that we are too small to bother with.

So, we’re still here. And you, our select readers, are too. Let’s all see if we can’t survive this political year, in style if possible, but survive in reasonable comfort in any event. 

And we at GT are discussing a few possible additions to our approach. So, keep checking in. We just might surprise ya!

Kyle K. Mann


Feb. 18, 2024

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About Kyle K. Mann 98 Articles
Kyle K. Mann is the pen name of a contributor to, and publisher of, Gonzo Today. He lives somewhere on the West Coast of the USA. A active recording musician since the 70s and radio broadcaster in multiple fields in the '80s and '90s, Kyle used to support himself starting in the 90s as a Union film crew member in Hollywood. His articles and interviews first appeared in Gonzo Today in early 2015, and some of them are fairly good.