Hunter S. Thompson: The Champion of Fun

June 15, 2016 Gonzo Today 0

  by Todd Brendan Fahey originally appeared in the March 1991 issue of Fling I remember very crisply my introduction to the cult of Hunter S. Thompson. Having already broasted the front side of my body under a thin ozone layer one warm August afternoon in Santa Barbara, I traded […]


June 6, 2016 Saira Viola 0

art by Unitas Quick Read from Chapter One  “Superman don’t need no seat belt.” – Muhammad Ali Chapter 19 As Richard made his way back to his offices at Snow Hill, right next door to the Serious Fraud Office, he smiled to himself thinking of all those number drones at their […]

Bruised, Brilliant and Unapologetically Raw

May 21, 2016 Saira Viola 0

Jonathan Shaw cover portrait by Joey Feldman photos and additional art courtesy Jonathan Shaw   Rocker, Sage, Artist, Poet and Proud Outlaw of Our Age: This is Jonathan Shaw bruised, brilliant and unapologetically raw. Think you know Shaw? Think Again!     Saira Viola: What was it like growing up […]

The Margaret Ann Harrell Interview

May 15, 2016 Charlie Seller 0

illustration: Clayton L. Luce Meet Margaret Ann Harrell whose resume includes Harrell Communications, Columbia University, and the C.G. Jung Institute in Zurich and the following books: “Keep This Quiet! My Relationships With Hunter S. Thompson, Milton Klonsky, and Jan Mensaert.” “Keep THIS Quiet Too!” “Keep This Quiet! III; Initiations.” And […]

Chapters 16 thru 18

May 15, 2016 Saira Viola 0

art by Unitas Quick Start from Chapter One  “Superman don’t need no seat belt.”  – Muhammad Ali CHAPTER 16 Bessie had been keeping a low profile ever since the snatch at Goldman’s jewellers in Hatton Garden, but he knew it was Tony’s birthday tonight and felt like getting loaded. He was […]

Chapters 8 thru 10

May 9, 2016 Charlie Seller 0

Art by Dan Reece READ CHAPTERS 1-7 CHAPTER 8 He made a cup of tea with the three packets of sugar he’d saved from his breakfast. Filling the hot-pot, he took a good look at his eyes in the mirror and decided that they were yellower and markedly more bloodshot […]