Mike Tyson vs Jake Paul: Fake or Real

November 15, 2024 Kidman J. Williams 0

by Kidman J. Williams Mike Tyson vs Jake Paul is 11/15/2024 on Netflix. The 58-year-old Mike Tyson is stepping into the ring with the 27-year-old YouTube sensation Jake Paul. The weigh in saw Tyson slap the taste out of Paul’s mouth. Many people across every social media platform out there […]

Trump Again. Now What?

November 6, 2024 Kyle K. Mann 0

As a nonpartisan commentator, I’m disgusted by both parties. I reject the entire political system of the U.S.A., based as it is on money. There’s a reason every time I looked at You Tube I saw one of the candidates begging for money. The homeless street people have more dignity.

Trump Wins: What Does That Mean?

November 6, 2024 Kidman J. Williams 0

by Kidman J. Williams The presidential race didn’t look good for Kamala Harris from the early vote tallies when Donald Trump took the lead. Many Harris voters were counting on the votes from California to put her over. What Harris couldn’t do was win the necessary swing votes. When I […]

A Sensation of Intense Disgust, but Don’t Give Up

November 5, 2024 Kyle K. Mann 0

Since I’m nonpartisan, certain dear friends don’t want to talk to me. Though predictable, I find it depressing. They want reinforcement, not discussion. In most of these people, there is a common thread: they rely on mainstream media for their news.
Social cues, is more like it. That input ain’t news, it’s propaganda, designed to divide us and destroy the vital fabric of human relationships based on love and mutual respect.

Muddy Creek & Co: Fighters & Lovers

August 29, 2024 Doc Jeffurious 0

by D. Jeffurious Muddy Creek & Co. of the rural “y’allternative” route has returned with a follow-up to their largely successful debut album In Front Of God and Nobody. Recorded at Raise The Roof Studios in Louisville, Kentucky and produced by Steve “Catfish” Wilson, Fighters & Lovers is a great […]

First RFK Jr., now Tulsi Gabbard

August 29, 2024 Kyle K. Mann 0

Gabbard became an instant hero of mine in the presidential debates of 2020 when she single-handedly took out Kamala Harris on the debate stage by pointing to the ugly fact that Harris, as a D.A. in San Francisco, was responsible for putting a lot of people involved with pot behind bars, and then Harris laughed when sometime later after the debate Harris was asked if she ever smoked pot.

Extreme Hideousness

August 24, 2024 Kyle K. Mann 0

by Kyle K Mann Gonzo Today Publisher and Contributing Editor August 23, 2024: on the day after the Democratic National Convention, the U.S. news cycle is dominated by independent presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy’s suspension of his campaign and endorsement of Trump. It’s stunning news, all right. The name Kennedy […]

Summer of Weird

July 30, 2024 Kyle K. Mann 0

There’s a theory that alien beings “harvest” human bad vibes by psychic means. They literally feed off our distress and negative energy, the theory goes. If true, they are doing a mighty good job making us all crazy. The old bumper sticker “Ignore alien orders” applies here.