Coming Soon: The End of the World

Silent film poster (cropped) from 1921 via Wikimedia Commons

by Kyle K. Mann

Gonzo Today Publisher and Contributing Editor

How many times have people forecast The End of the World?

Ancient mankind was terrified by numerous examples: comets, forecasts, religious prognostications. Yet here we are.

And after my country, the USA, was dropping two atomic bombs before most of us were born, it hasn’t happened in anger since, which is a miracle… tempered by millions of people living with decades of fear.

”And we call ourselves the human race,” President John F. Kennedy is reported to have said in disgust after a meeting with top military figures back in the 60s, in which they advocated the idea of starting a nuclear war against the then-USSR.

JFK was the youngest man to hold the office of the President. Now we have the oldest. Every day Biden lives he extends that shameful record.

I don’t mind so much that Biden can’t walk and talk well. It’s his long record of insane and criminal thought that scares me.

That’s right. Biden the Nutjob. Biden the Unready. Biden the Incompetent. If our only alternative is Trump, we are in extremely deep do-do.

Biden’s bottomless financial and military support of Ukraine is unspeakable. The restraint shown by Russia in the face of repeated provocation is quite notable.

With the exception of some residents of Western Europe, much of the world agrees with that assessment.

Russia is not going to allow another NATO member on its borders, as Finland has become recently. Militarizing that border is asking for trouble.

The USA is skating on thin ice, pushing this madness. Playing nuclear “chicken” is as looney as it gets.

Never mind the glaring fact that the USA doesn’t have the money. We are spending ourselves into oblivion. Supposedly the National Debt stands at 26 trillion dollars, a figure so high as to be impossible to comprehend. Printing more sheets of 100 dollar bills to give to Ukraine, Israel, or where ever is not an answer.

The corruption allowing the military and The Fed to steal as much as they can is unreported, unscrutinized and is accepted as normal.

The newly-expanded BRICS alliance of nations, tired of the U.S. reliance on intrinsically worthless U.S. paper dollars, is seeking to create a gold-based reserve currency. The fiat currency of the USA will die an agonizing slow death as gold skyrockets in actual value against the dollar. The resulting likely depression in the West in 2024 will further agonizingly make the dollar currency worthless. Call me Boomer Doomer, but it sure appears that our ghastly current era will seem a prosperous dream in retrospect in the coming years.

The Military Industrial Complex took over the USA a long time ago, to be joined by Big Oil, Big Pharma, the banking complex, Wall Street, and more.

Many of us don’t have to go far to see homeless living in the streets. Once unthinkable in my childhood in the 50s and 60s, our major cities are now cesspools of human desperation. Crime is often unpunished, with flash mobs robbing with impunity. Mass shootings, once rare, are now commonplace.

The loss of freedoms due to COVID is unprecedented and extremely unacceptable. Surplus death is skyrocketing. The media, bought out by special interests long ago, refuses to report facts outside The Narrative. The silence is deafening.

What we’ve lost as a nation and society is shocking beyond belief. The spying by the panopticon increases daily. Edward Snowden, who warned us, is in permanent exile.

And now it’s this ongoing and ever-growing geopolitical crisis. Nord Stream 2, anyone? No? How about Gaza? What’s going on there is beyond hideous.

Politicians attempting to find out the truth about UFOs are straight armed. 75 years of lies and deception result in a toothless 2024 NDAA with loophole-ridden provisions regarding “non-human intelligence.” I sit here laughing as I write. Numerous high-quality UFO whistleblowers later, this is the best we get?

Hungry? Food is filled with chemicals that are carcinogenic and mutagenic. Pass the glyphosate. Thirsty? Public drinking water is dubious at best.

”Culture” is depraved and degenerate. “Woke” propaganda attacks the most basic realities. Just one example: competitive sports is corrupt and pathetic, with biological males allowed to plunder women’s events at will. That’s total madness.

”Not with a bang, but with a whimper,” as T.S. Elliot said in The Hollow Men. What a poem. And what a prediction!

So, all we can do is attempt to speak the truth and try to encourage the bravery of whistleblowers. A dangerous proposition, as people like Assange, Snowden and Kiriakou have found. Telling the truth is a punishable crime, and lying is rewarded. Again, the Legacy Media is little more than government and corporate stenography in the service of the criminally insane.

Or as John Lennon said: “Our society is run by insane people for insane objectives. I think we’re being run by maniacs for maniacal ends and I think I’m liable to be put away as insane for expressing that. That’s what’s insane about it.”

So is the world ending soon?

Actually, it already has, as those of us of a certain age once knew it.

Be well, readers. And uh… “Happy Holidays.”

Kyle K. Mann


December 24, 2023

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About Kyle K. Mann 98 Articles
Kyle K. Mann is the pen name of a contributor to, and publisher of, Gonzo Today. He lives somewhere on the West Coast of the USA. A active recording musician since the 70s and radio broadcaster in multiple fields in the '80s and '90s, Kyle used to support himself starting in the 90s as a Union film crew member in Hollywood. His articles and interviews first appeared in Gonzo Today in early 2015, and some of them are fairly good.