A Sensation of Intense Disgust, but Don’t Give Up

November 5, 2024 Kyle K. Mann 0

Since I’m nonpartisan, certain dear friends don’t want to talk to me. Though predictable, I find it depressing. They want reinforcement, not discussion. In most of these people, there is a common thread: they rely on mainstream media for their news.
Social cues, is more like it. That input ain’t news, it’s propaganda, designed to divide us and destroy the vital fabric of human relationships based on love and mutual respect.

Gonzo Today: Still Standing Tall

February 29, 2024 Kyle K. Mann 0

Gonzo Today’s official position on U.S. politics is simple: we are disgusted by both parties. The current looming Biden/Trump rematch is an atrocity that is both scary and laughable. How is this even happening?

Death of The Killer: Jerry Lee Lewis

October 30, 2022 Kidman J. Williams 0

by Kidman J. Williams What is there to say about Lewis that isn’t going to be regurgitated and put out there a hundred times like a shitty mass-produced whiskey? Jerry Lee Lewis was a rare vintage. He was tastes of Louisiana honey mixed with fine corn mash along with rare […]

Keep Squeezing OJ Simpson

January 1, 2022 Steve Corbett 0

by Steve Corbett That’s me standing at the peach-colored condo‘s tubular metal gate, staring at the killing ground where Nicole Brown Simpson’s thick blood once flowed, where Ronald Goldman also died in a deep crimson pool of his own gore unleashed by a vicious knife attack. I’m in Los Angeles […]

Bonkers Biden Goes Off the Rails

November 7, 2021 Steve Corbett 0

by Steve Corbett By the time I got home from President Joe Biden’s Scranton speech last month, I stood with my official White House issued Gonzo Today press credential hanging from my neck, fuming in the kitchen, threatening to tear off my white dress shirt without unbuttoning the buttons. My […]