Kidman J. Williams – So-called Christians and even extreme Right publications have all jumped on the bandwagon to try and seek justice for Kim Davis’ religious beliefs despite her not doing her job. Kim Davis has been all around the news for sticking to her religious beliefs on gay marriage. Kim Davis is now in jail for contempt of court and of course it has now spun into an obvious hate crime.
There was even a GoFundMe account to try and raise money for the Kentucky bigot to post bail. GoFundMe has now changed their policy codes to exclude raising bail for convicted criminals hate crimes.
Some of these Conservatives have literally positioned her as a Christian martyr. This was something I was half joking about when I heard about this at home. Dayna, my baby’s Momma, said to me, “I hope she goes to jail, she needs to go!”
I told my baby’s Momma with a half cocked smile, “You watch! If she gets put behind bars, the fucking Christian Right will start making her into a martyr for their fucked up ideal of Christianity.”
What happened Dayna?!? The Republican Presidential hopeful Mike Huckabee decided he needed a cause. Some of his tweets are just so far insane that you almost can’t come back from them, even with the rabid short term memory that people seem to have with politics:
Also remember that in January of 2008 Huckabee condemned the Constitution’s establishment clause. Huckabee had stated:
“I believe it’s a lot easier to change the Constitution than it would be to change the word of the living God. And that’s what we need to do…to amend the Constitution so it’s in God’s standards rather than try to change God’s standards so it lines up with some contemporary view.”
The Western Journal has obviously gotten behind the bigot cause and has been urging people to sign a petition. It is also reported that Huckabee will be holding a rally on September 8th to protest the imprisonment of “Contradictory Kim.”
Here is a fact. Kim Davis is on a tirade about her religious freedoms. The constitution of course protects your freedom to practice whatever religion you so choose to practice. What it doesn’t protect you against is losing your job because of your refusal to properly act out your duties.
You never heard Jacob, the Blacksmith’s apprentice lean over to William the Blacksmith and refuse to serve David service for being a Catholic did you?
“Ay ye, I shant shoe ứre horse because ye are a filthy servant of the evil church that corn-holed many a young boy in private chambers…and humping boys is bad.”
The Kentucky county clerk has raised a lot of questions of hypocrisy. Kim Davis seems to choose what parts of the Bible she wants to bring into her values, home and life. She has had many marriages and divorces. She also committed adultery and had kids out of wedlock. Davis went on the record stating that she fears going to Hell for not complying with the “central teachings” of the Bible.
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