After a closing shift last night, I realized that one of my portraits hanging up at the White Horse, Hunter S. Thompson, was missing from its place. After questioning co workers about whether or not it could have been sold without mention to me, I’ve come to the heart wrenching conclusion that it was stolen. I’m not even sure exactly when it was, seeing as how my last shift at this bar was a week ago. It takes a special kind of shit head to nab someone’s creative work- much different than stealing someone’s cell phone, or any other object of monetary value. I made this with my hands, and some dull, banal THIEF doesn’t have the capacity to understand what it’s like to have something you worked hard on taken from you without hesitance, or a second thought- It becomes very personal, and I feel very violated, especially knowing someone came into a place I consider home and had the gall to do such a crappy thing. As unfortunate as it is that spineless beings like this exist, I know there are lots of great folk around to counteract this soulless act, of which I know plenty. I’m asking that you guys use the internet for good and share this post and the photo of the portrait I’m putting up in hopes that we get enough re-posts that it spreads like wild fire, and someone comes forward and turns the jerk in who took it, or someone anonymously returns the portrait to the bar. It’s got to be only a matter of time before someone sees/knows something… I don’t even care about the monetary value I attached to the portrait;this is personal, justice needs to be served and the person who took it needs to be exposed. I’m hoping for a PEACEFUL and NON-VIOLENT resolution and return of the portrait- though friends have good intentions, harm inflicted on any individual is absolutely uncalled for- I’m hoping said person grows a conscious and returns it anonymously.