Whims of the Great Magnet

April 15, 2015 David Pratt 0

By: David Pratt We left at 10:00 and drove all night, out of Massachusetts, through Connecticut, and across New York in pouring rain, thunderstorms, lightning crash flashing snap glimpses of the pitch black road barely seen through storm and stoned headlight searching, into a miles-long construction site with one tight lane and a great […]

The Candidates are Coming

April 8, 2015 David Pratt 0

artwork copyright© 2015 joeyfeldman, all rights reserved www.joeyfeldman.com By: David Pratt If a picture’s worth a thousand words, then Feldman’s soul-churning rendition of two of our 2016 presidential candidates goes a long way to illustrating the fear & loathing that has me contemplating expatriating to Iceland of all places. And I hate […]

Escaping Uganda

January 5, 2015 David Pratt 0

by David Pratt Until recently I sold cars for a living. I wasn’t very good at it. I don’t possess the right mercenary spirit, cutthroat ambition and proper lack of ethics to take full advantage of people. I have principles. I am all about honesty and equity, and my empathy usually lies […]

Nodding Out on Old Cape Cod

December 26, 2014 David Pratt 0

By David Pratt “I awoke from The Sickness at the age of forty-five, calm, and sane, and in reasonably good health except for a weakened liver and the look of borrowed flesh common to all who survive The Sickness.”  – William S. Burroughs, Naked Lunch “When I was doing drugs, […]

Disrobing the Sheep

December 18, 2014 David Pratt 0

Or: Recession, Oppression and The Third Law of Motion “For every action there is an equal and opposite reaction.” – Sir Isaac Newton Aside from Newtonian physics being pretty much obliterated by Einstein and Hawkins and nano-physics and quantum physics and string theory and particle wave theory and multiverses and […]

No Image


December 13, 2014 Gonzo Today 0

By: Staff Writer Yail Bloor VATICAN CITY, ROME – Pope Francis – who has already ruffled feathers with certain liberal, even radical, pronouncements like his description of the Catholic Mass as  “boring as Hell” – recently dropped another bombshell during an interfaith meeting at the Vatican with a group of […]