CNN reporter Erin McLaughlin recently visited the ruins of an ancient synagogue in Magdala, Israel, that she says may have been a place where Jesus and Mary Magdalene walked. It also might be the birthplace of Mary Magdalene.
It also might not.
Catholic Priest Juan Solana believes the ornate synagogue, with beautiful remnants of decorated walls and mosaic flooring, is a holy site.
“It is not for me. It is for millions of people that will come and will enjoy this, and hopefully we and they will discover our common roots,” said Solana.
Father Solana and his team has uncovered many ruins that include, pots, coins, and even a purification bath that amazingly still works. They also found a Magdala Stone (alter) with a menorah carved into it. Solana said that it is the only one of its kind outside of Jerusalem. The site was unearthed by accident when Solana purchased the land to build a Christian retreat. Israeli law required him to excavate, and he happened to find this ancient synagogue. The site is the first of its kind found from the first century.
The CNN report stated that Jesus may have walked these cobbled streets and it may have been home to the mysterious Bible character, Mary Magdalene. McLaughlin’s report keeps riding on the idea that this was a place that Jesus came to and Mary Magdalene lived in. Well, no scientists or experts in her report mentioned this possibility. There was no evidence reported supporting McLaughlin’s supposition. The only thing that McLaughlin seemed to be going off of was the time period. The synagogue is first century. That would be the right time for Jesus and Magdalene to have come by the ancient site.
Much like the Bible, CNN seems to want you to take a leap of faith that Jesus and Magdalene did in fact walked and lived among these ancient walls.
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