by Kyle K Mann
Gonzo Today Contributing Editor and Publisher
So here we are on the day after U.S. Election Day, 2024. My opening comment to partisans is simple.
Be nice.
Your candidate won? Be nice, it’s easy. Be gracious to the losing side. Be big about it. Gloat in private or with those of your persuasion if you must, but don’t try to pick a fight with those who backed the wrong person, from your viewpoint. They are hurting. Help them heal as possible. Listen sympathetically. Try to understand their concerns.
Your candidate lost? Work on actually understanding why Trump was backed by a substantial majority who rejected Harris for the job of President. A lot of harsh language was tossed around this election season. Now is the time to show your quality. Congratulate the winners, and move on to personal growth and mental health. This too will pass.
That said, as a nonpartisan commentator, I’m disgusted by both parties. I reject the entire political system of the U.S.A., based as it is on money. There’s a reason every time I looked at You Tube I saw one of the candidates begging for money. The homeless street people have more dignity.
The Democrats’ spectacular failure, despite spending some colossal amount of money on advertising, speaks to a basic lack of comprehension of human nature. Few people like to be lectured, shamed or blamed. It seemed to be the goal of Democrats to alienate voters. The Democrats displayed a shocking inability to get that.
The Republicans pulled some clever stunts to flip the messaging, as in Trump’s McDonalds act and the garbage truck bit. They showed humor when needed. They turned their failures into wins. The Democrats were outflanked, despite their last second attempt at levity on Saturday Night Live.
Trump got a huge break when he turned his head at the right moment. That was uncanny timing. The visuals were spectacular. For those of us who can recall November 22, 1963, most of us were glad not to have to witness another truly horrific head shot.
Which brings us to RFK Jr. and the possibility Trump will put him in charge of a presidential assassination investigation. Having JFK’s nephew leading it will be priceless, and if that happens, it will be the last best hope to discover the truth about that dark day.
And the “intelligence” community needs to be fired, broken up, and removed. JFK Jr. is the right person for the job. And I trust that his sanity on vax issues will have some impact on Trump, who started that whole mess. Yes, I’m still angry at how I and others were treated like so many lepers.
I also hope that the Democrats can learn from getting their butts kicked so completely. Sadly, I don’t think so. They could start by putting former Congressman Dennis Kucinich in charge of the Democratic National Committee. Remember, he was RFK’s campaign manager when RFK was still a Democrat. And they should give Bernie Sanders his voice back, as we see today in a statement blasting the perceived abandonment by the Democrats of the working class. Love him or hate him, he was the most popular Democrat since Obama. Time to let him off the leash. Honestly, I think he could have beaten Trump.
As for Kamala Harris, she really needs to show some class. Her failure to concede in a timely way or even address her waiting crowd was shameful, though she has called Trump to congratulate him. I just heard her concession speech. Though obviously telepromptered and mostly stiff, it could be called a good start. When her role as Vice President in certifying the 2024 election comes up, she should continue the healing process by gracefully doing so, and quietly go home to California after her time in office is over.
If that happens, she can be forgiven for participating in the shameless nullification of Biden’s primary process. Well, somewhat. I can still hear her crowing about “joy in the morning.” Right. You don’t win a presidential election that way. And that maniacal laugh. Talk about off-putting.
I just hope Biden doesn’t keel over before Jan. 20. That’s ten weeks away. The image of an instant lame duck President Harris is a disturbing one.
… and then there is President-elect Trump. He too is old, though obviously in much better shape than Biden.
He now has a Republican majority in the Senate, maybe the House of Representatives, and support in the Supreme Court. He won the popular vote by millions. It’s a mandate. For many of us, this sweeping comeback is shocking and incredible.
Can he really fix the economy? Will he adopt sensible policy regarding the floods of unlawful people swarming across the border? Will he address the root causes in the countries involved directly, by helping the people of those countries to achieve a higher standard of living and safety?
We can’t expect he’ll cut the military budget. Will he really stop the carnage between Russia and Ukraine? I have no hope for a balanced position for the Middle East, myself, but I’d love to be proved wrong.
It’s possible he’ll pull the curtain back on whatever the government is hiding about UFO’s/UAP’s. That may or may not be a good thing.
Will he pick a reasonable cabinet? I’m hoping he can find a role for Tulsi Gabbard. No John Bolton’s. Elon Musk, I dunno. Too early to say if the world’s richest man is going to be a help or a hurt.
Most importantly, will a second Trump term show compassionate governance and care for the people of the USA, so many of whom are in need? Will he, despite his rhetoric, be nice?
It’s been a long 24 hours. Here’s hoping for the best for all of us. Onwards, with The Blessing.
Kyle K Mann
Portland, Oregon
Nov. 6, 2024