by: Donnie Casto II
Sydney Sherwood is a New Jersey born singer/songwriter who might possibly be the voice of the post Covid generation. Her music and lyrics are eloquently heartbreaking and brutally honest. The story of a human being molded in a trial of fire who has managed to rise like a phoenix from the ashes. Sherwood’s singing and songwriting started to take form after her brother was diagnosed with cancer.
The golden ticket to Hollywood Sherwood received from American Idol celebrity judges Katy Perry, Luke Bryan, and Lionel Richie has translated to a wonderous emotional journey for those listeners who dare to take a ride with her on her sophomore EP, “Headspace.”
If Sydney’s goal is to touch the lives of others through the music that she writes from her life experiences, she is succeeding. She allows the listener to join her through her heartbreak, pain, and also offers you the promise of better days on this six track EP.
“Creep” might just become the 2021 theme song for the people wanting to communicate the isolation that they often feel with anxiety, but can never fully articulate to those who don’t, can’t, or refuse to understand.
“Let Me Down” is written for every person who left every drop of their love, soul, and spirit in a relationship with someone that bled them dry mentally and emotionally. Those of you who have had the rug pulled out from undue your feet in the socially distant conditioned world will feel almost validated to know you’re not alone.
“Horizon’s Edge” took me to a place in the memory lane of life that the Croce classic “Photographs and Memories” does. The simple and subtle story of a bittersweet past that only a fool believes might come back again, knowing, in reality, it never will. In a world where repetitive hooks and multiple writers beat on in the music airwaves, Sherwood, could be the Pied Piper that brings the art of storytelling through song back to relevance again without sounding as bitter or jaded as Taylor Swift.
Track List:
- Wolves
- Let Me Down
- Creep
- Born to Roll
- Horizon’s Edge
- All the Aces