The Hyena & The Lizard (The Fight for Domineering Freedom)
The licentious Hyena was strapped with his power tie, his American Flag pin on his suit lapel, showing his hyper nationalism with his flag backdrop and matching suit; he was let loose on all media platforms to address his rabid pack. The lesser pack members stood in support of their malevolent leader, while he addressed his journalist enemies. He lashed out, with wild claims of innocence and unambiguous threats despite the jury member’s unanimous decision on thirty-four counts.
The Hyena is one of the most dangerous of all the wild dogs in the world. They won’t turn their nose up at a dead carcass, not shy from stealing a fresh kill from another claiming it as its own, and a lesser-known predator with an impressive kill rate of 75%. Though his prey is almost always smaller than him or at least perceived as such, and to Trump’s egomaniacal delusions, everybody is insignificant on his scale.
As loyal as the Hyena is to who he considers family, he will still favor his own agenda above the whole lot helping him; he is and always will be the number one priority. He blames, skirts around the truth, and never seems to address why he is guilty. All the Hyena did was repetitively repeat to his public, “There is no crime here.” He made a martyr out of Allen Weisselberg because he was “told viciously” to give up Trump and take the plea bargain or get fifteen years in jail.
The furrowed Hyena claims that offering a plea deal is fascism, despite the common place of the tactic in many criminal trials around the country. It isn’t fascism, it is making friends by holding a higher fear card than your opponent.
Trump degrades his weaker targets to position himself with leverage, making himself look like a modern-day Jay Gatsby; a savior for the population, a martyr (SPOILER ALERT: falling on the sword after Daisy ran over Myrtle, her husband’s mistress). He is cunning, with a great marketing and legal team. The Hyena understands where the position of power is but doesn’t know that his stance is on shaky ground. Less like The Great Gatsby, more like Julius Caesar.
Caesar, another fine example of the Hyena family. Rose to fame as a great military general for the all-powerful Rome, became a politician bent on destroying his enemies, and eventually reaching for the ultimate power of dictatorship. That, of course, led to him being murdered without penitence for the crime. I’m sure Caesar promised great things to his followers and allies. To keep in power, these hyenas over promise, under deliver, the trick is to deliver just enough to stay on the high ground.
We hear Trump’s credo of “make America great again,” (MAGA) a mantra that resonates with every citizen given the state of the country, but so did former President Obama’s, “Change We Can Believe In” and “Yes We Can.” This hyena’s idea of making us great is riddled in revenge, hate speech, and stripping God given rights (free will) to women while he decries financial liberation for all and “cleaning out the swamp,” a phrase we heard numerous times through the 2016 elections, and under delivered (didn’t deliver at all) during his term.
Despite not delivering, he keeps the masses happy with traditional values like not allowing his female followers a choice in their own reproductive rights, dismantling LGBTQ’s rights to live free and happy, and of course attempting to establish the United States on the borderline of a Theocratic governing body.

It is still a long battle to November for the Hyena and his constituents. Trump still has a pending sentencing, and many other legal woes that he has to attempt to untangle, though he may not have to if he slinks his way into our country’s highest office.
There is no honest end to be written. How could there be? The story isn’t over yet.
Our politicians are more interested in money and power than they are in being the public servants they are supposed to be. The Lounge Lizards (our magnificently corrupt Legislative Branch) are working overtime to ensure their respective power and special interests; Biden understands the gravity of his party’s situation. Trump comprehends the severity of his as well.
The only defense that the Hyena has had against our dry-mouthed lizard is to make Biden out to be Grandpa Joe who can’t find the front door keys to The White House despite them being in his hand. The Hyena is looking for the weak links in the Lizard’s armor. Trump claims issues at the border, WHAM! Biden uses executive orders to help seal the borders. Trump can’t claim weak on China, Biden just continued the unfair trading with the tariffs. The Lizard is managing to play a great game of chess despite Hyena’s efforts and claims of incompetence.
If you go to The White House website and read Trump and Biden’s respective accomplishments, they mirror one another on the economy. The two biggest differences between the Hyena and Lizard are their stands socially. They both want your vote based on social freedoms, emotions, and most of all… your fears.
Remember, the Hyena once called for the incarceration of Hillary Clinton. He also stated that a President under felony indictment would cause a “constitutional crisis.” This is one of the few things I agree with Trump on. I doubt he sees the irony.
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