By: Kidman J. Williams
Just recently, well-known feminist warrior Nocturnus Libertus published a photo on Facebook depicting herself wiping her bottom with the American flag. This act of rebellion has sparked the fury of the internet to come down on her. There are some that seem to agree with her antics, but there are a lot of people who are just outraged at her actions.
The hashtag #fuckyoflag and #NotMyFlag have recently been becoming more and more popular. We are seeing African-Americans and White people alike stepping on the American Flag, burning it, and now going as far as wiping their business with it.
The post has sparked a storm of comments, posts and even likes around the social media world. Nocturnus’ post (at the time of writing this article) already has over 57,000 shares on Facebook alone.
Here is one post from one veteran:
This is where it gets racist and threatening:
It is amazing how quickly things escalate into a racist conflict.
I secured an interview with Nocturnus Libertus for this Monday and it will be out shortly after that. Her actions are blunt and straightforward, but is the message getting through in the correct way?
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