By Josh Chambers
Bea2ooth is a hip hop producer based out of Manchester, NH who brings the golden era sound of music in his beats. Starting with a keyboard, a drum machine, and a little guidance from a close friend, Bea2ooth has worked his way up, and is currently producing for emcees all over New England as well as opening shows for legends such as Krs-1, R.A. The Rugged Man, and Onyx to name a few.
I first met Bea2ooth a few years ago through my wife’s cousin who was roommate’s with him at the time. The first time we met he was showing me some of the beats he was making. As a fan of hip hop and a musician, I was immediately blown away by his talent. I was hooked and have followed his work ever since. I’ve seen him live a few times and he is a killer on the stage. Especially when he is teamed up with rapper One DuR wHo, they are like a hip hop tag team giving flying elbows to the auditory pleasure center of your brain. I had the opportunity of working with him and One DuR wHo on Bea2ooth’s last album Weapon Of Choice. I sang the chorus on the last track of the album called Who I’ve Become. There are some other tracks on the album that amaze me with his sampling choices. For instance, on the track Gray Bea2ooth samples Neil Young’s Heart of Gold and it gives it such a cool old school western feel. Everything Bea2ooth touches is gold. Be sure to check out his music on the links at the end of the interview and if you like it, buy his album! -Josh Chambers
- -You dropped an album last year. What has the reception been so far? What were your hopes for the album? Did you get what you expected out of it or did it exceed your expectations?
Yeah, I dropped my first fully-produced, 21-track album last year, featuring artists all over New England and New York. So far, I’ve received a lot love for it, and 3 songs are on regular rotation at the best venue for music in Manchester – The Shaskeen Pub. Honestly, I’ve always had a love for making music, so the positive reaction and support of people buying the album truly does exceed my expectations. I never thought I’d be where I am with my music, so whatever happens from here is just a bonus to me.
- -Are you planning to do any touring? Local or otherwise?
I perform all my shows with my main homie, One DuR wHo, and his debut album is dropping July 4th. We have a few shows coming up in honor of that. June 19th we’re opening for Ces Cru, the album release party is during Rap Night on July 5th, and we’re also opening for Rustee Juxx July 11th – all at The Shaskeen Pub. I’m definitely looking forward to touring one day, but for now we’re still in the building process. This is just the beginning.
- -What are you working on right now?
Right now I’m finishing up One DuR wHo’s album and doing a lot of work with Undu Kati of EMS crew/Trapjaw. We finished 3 tracks for his album, and talks of an EP with Undu, One DuR wHo, and myself are in the works. I’m also making beats every day and sharpening my skills – there’s always something new to learn with the production.
- -Who do you draw your influence from?
I started making beats under the influence of my good friend, TK, who passed away when I was 20. He was my biggest inspiration. He created the name Bea2ooth, and after he passed, I wanted to make the name heard, so I’ve been working hard at it ever since. As far as some big name producers who have influenced me, I’d say DJ Premier, DJ Muggs, Stoupe, Large Professer, Alchesmist, Evidence, Pete Rock, Rza, and so many more – the list could go on forever.
-If you could tour with anybody, past or present, who would it be and why?
I’d have to say Jedi Mind Tricks or R.A. The Rugged Man. I’ve always listened to Jedi Mind Tricks, and I feel Stoupe is one of the most creative producers ever. I’d love to spend time talking and learning from him, and Vinnie is just a beast on the mic. I really admire what those guys have accomplished being underground artists for 20 years. R.A. The Rugged Man just seems like a crazy bastard and hysterical to be around. Plus, his knowledge of the game is unmatched. He’s been through it all so the stories would be crazy.
- -Is there any particular stance or statement you try to make with your music? Political, social, etc.?
When I write, it’s usually about life in general. When I produce, it’s usually how I feel at the moment, or if I’m making something for a specific artist, I try to match their style. As for One DuR wHo, he can hit on all sorts of topics, from police brutality to government conspiracy, from bashing emcees to real life, so we make a good team. It’s not bubble gum music you’d hear on the radio or fake tough guy talk. You have to really pay attention to the lyrics to understand it.
- -How does your process usually work for writing songs?
I always start with a beat, and sometimes just a line or two pop into my head, and I’ll build off that. Every artist I work with is different though. Some show up, hear a beat, and write on the spot. Some want me to send the beat to them so they can write at home, and some show up with songs written, and we bang out some tracks. It’s all preference.
- -What are the plans for the future? Are you going to be working on another album anytime soon?
I was planning on dropping another production album late this summer. I have enough tracks recorded to do it, it’s just a matter of getting everything else together for it, and starting the promo.
- -Thanks for your time! Are there final words you want to get in and where can people find your music or buy your album?
My album is available on Bandcamp, and it’s name-your-own price. I also have music on Soundcloud and YouTube, as well as my Facebook page.