(See scenario #2 in link).
You couldn’t have dug the Toronto mystery tunnel.
Even if a grow op was the most plausible use for the tunnel (no homes near by, and built with appropriate lighting and conditions) there is no way in Hell you would have an interest in a Rosary, or a poppy to support those pesky war vets
— Notes to self:
if you want to get away with a grow op, just carry a bible and act outwardly respectful. It goes against everything pot has taught me to believe in, but I’ll give it a try. You see, according to this top notch journalist, there’s just no way a depraved, baby eating, cannibalistic cannabis smoking animal would ever be able to pull off such a disguise.
Forget the mystery of the tunnel. I think I just found evidence on another narrow tunnel, in the minds of the anti drug buffoons, and how the copious amounts of resources spent to fight those nasty druggies hasn’t amounted to a victory in the war on drugs.
Now, get on your Harleys, adorn your leather chaps and vests, and head over to the local chapter and spread the word.