Gonzo News Update – Sunday June 19, 2022
“Most Americans Don’t Want Biden or Trump to Run Again: Poll.” The laughter returns. This is what happens if you read too much news. It’s like mad cow disease starts eating up your brain.
“Most Americans Don’t Want Biden or Trump to Run Again: Poll.” The laughter returns. This is what happens if you read too much news. It’s like mad cow disease starts eating up your brain.
Craig Murray, the brave Scotsman who among other things covered the Julian Assange hearings in the UK, calls the Jubilee “daft pomposity.” Love it.
by Kyle K. Mann, GonzoToday Editor-in-Chief – “Law enforcement” officials can see your web browsing activity without a warrant. The bill to restrict that failed in the US Senate by one vote. One vote. The vote to reauthorize and amend the Patriot Act was on May 13, 2020. Google it. […]
In the late ’90s, a clever prank was unleashed on the wilds of the Internet. Someone would post a link in a forum or email or AOL chat room. Instead of wherever the link purported to direct users, when they clicked the fateful button taking them to Goatse.cx, they got […]
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