money and cogs

The Mindset of the 1%

June 3, 2020 Alexander T. 0

Alexander T., contributor – The year was 2016 and I was traveling in the backseat of a luxury black Acura somewhere down a rural highway in Bumfuck, Indiana. The driver was my at-the-time girlfriend’s father, an accountant and esteemed member of the elite 1% of America who had worked his […]

In Praise of Pot

May 26, 2020 Kyle K. Mann 0

by Kyle K. Mann, editor-in-chief – Virginia is the 27th state to decriminalize possessing up to an ounce of marijuana starting July 1, 2020, meaning there are only 23 seriously stupid states left. High time! I’ve been a fan of the plant for over a half century. The authority figures […]

aging women in bikinis

Aging Disgracefully

May 11, 2020 Karene Horst 0

by Karene Horst, contributing editor – Every morning it hurts to get out of bed.  My back aches.  My lips scrape against each other, dry and chapped.  After my first few limping steps I stumble into the bathroom, bumping my hip against the door jam. Ouch!  This is 56. The […]

No More Meat

April 24, 2020 Peter W. Burchard 0

by Peter W. Burchard, contributor – No more meat. What? That’s preposterous. Well, just hear me out. COVID-19 originated in a meat market where rare pangolins were stacked in cages, one on top of the other, along with bats and who knows what else. Their bodily fluids followed the laws […]

The harsh lessons of uncertainty

April 20, 2020 Greg Hopkins 0

Photo by Sasha Freemind on Unsplash COVID-19 Diary from Northern Italy, musings on Easter Sunday by Greg Hopkins, contributor – At first, the surreal landscape of empty plazas and darkened windows evoked a baffled sense of awe, wonder and confusion. I remember an initial blush of hope. Maybe Gaia had finally exerted her […]

Buy the ticket, take the ride

April 15, 2020 Rob Azevedo 0

by Rob Azevedo, contributor – “Buy the ticket, take the ride.” So, we did. All the way to Woody Creek, Colorado, on the weekend of Independence Day 2017. Myself, my brother and a good friend flew to Denver then drove three and a half hours through the Rockies, not in […]

Dear Lucifer, How About that Coronavirus?

April 7, 2020 Kidman J. Williams 0

by Kidman J. Williams, music editor – Dearest Lucifer, My dear Lucifer, Hi there Dark Lord, Hey brittle tits it is Kidman J. Williams! The fact is Lucifer, I’m not sure how to address you in the beginning of this letter. I don’t think it matters, I don’t think you […]

April Fool: Shopping in the Land of Fear

April 1, 2020 Kyle K. Mann 0

by Kyle K. Mann, editor-in-chief – My first clue that buying food at the store would be weird was the plastic bag tied to the handle of the shopping cart. Oh man, I thought. Really? This is the new normal? I had been hiding out at my place in Topanga […]

let’s get on with the apocalypse already

March 16, 2020 Karene Horst 0

by Karene Horst, contributing editor – I started eating my canned soup back in February. It’s an annual thing, clearing out my stockpile I’m supposed to maintain for that massive earthquake allegedly poised to level California or sink it into the Pacific. As the emergency response folks suggest, I’m usually […]