amethyst crystals

A Sparkling Amethyst Tour in Uruguay

September 15, 2022 Karene Horst 0

We drove past the outskirts of town to tour the mines. We entered one of several tunnels cut horizontally into the side of an ancient volcano crater. Above ground we clambered through rubble left behind by the quarrying, picking through piles of rock for clear quartz crystals and amethyst. Anything we could carry home we were welcome to take. I gathered small pieces to share as souvenirs, thrashing my goal of traveling light. We all darted around the man-made hills of sparkling stones like kids in a candy store.

moving men – chapter 1

June 21, 2022 Karene Horst 0

Writer Karene Horst shares her twisted perspective on relationships and the scars they leave behind with the first chapter of her novel moving men.

The Top Ten Patsies for the Patriarchy

June 6, 2022 Karene Horst 0

The hordes of women who vote for candidates hostile to human rights or parrot the conservative talking points about: abortion (“why don’t they just keep their legs together?”) or sexual assault  (“she could have fought back”) or parenting (“good mothers stay home”); they’re automatically included.

STRIKE this sh*t

November 3, 2021 Karene Horst 0

So I won’t officially join the sex strike, and I doubt I’ll cross that picket line. Instead, I’m hoping my scruffy shins send shivers along the spines of every self-righteous asshole who feels he/she/it has the right to dictate what a woman chooses to do with her body.

Wagging the Penis

March 31, 2021 Karene Horst 0

But as a woman, as a survivor, I can’t help but see a swinging penis as a weapon. As if someone were marching around waving a gun.

the world’s on fire, so let’s go shopping

September 13, 2020 Karene Horst 0

I just hate the company for no real reason. Plus, the logo reminds me of a circumcised penis. It could be a cockeyed smile or a whimsical grin, doesn’t matter. I still feel like I’m getting screwed. Boycott the patriarchy!

I am a Karen

August 3, 2020 Karene Horst 0

A white woman of privilege complaining that a BLACK man sexually harassed her? I’d read To Kill A Mockingbird. … I was a bleeding heart liberal. The thought of accusing him, even to just my employer, horrified me.

aging women in bikinis

Aging Disgracefully

May 11, 2020 Karene Horst 0

by Karene Horst, contributing editor – Every morning it hurts to get out of bed.  My back aches.  My lips scrape against each other, dry and chapped.  After my first few limping steps I stumble into the bathroom, bumping my hip against the door jam. Ouch!  This is 56. The […]