Mark Linnhoefer – During an interview aired on Monday, Republican presidential candidate Ben Carson said that he “absolutely” stands by his comments on Muslims as president. He does, however, add that he would accept a moderate Muslim who officially denounces radical Islamist ideology.
During Monday’s interview, Carson said that people should “recognize this is America” and that there is an American constitution that the president needs to adhere to, which is why a Muslim is unfit for the position, as his “faith might interfere with carrying out the duties of the constitution” according to Carson.
The former neurosurgeon said that it “was implied in [his] comment” that he had only been referring to radical Islamists as he prefaced his utterance by saying that he doesn’t “care what religion or faith someone belongs to” as long as that person abides by the constitution and has adopted “the American way.”
Whatever that means.
The executive director of the American-Islamic Relations Council calls for Carson to drop out of the race, as the views expressed by the former surgeon are themselves “inconsistent with the United States constitution.” The director is probably referring to the fact that no religious tests shall be held for anyone attempting to run for president, according to the constitution.
This reporter will say that Carson does have a point in so far that an actual radical Islamist would indeed not be the most appropriate person to run the United States, but then again, any president must either abide by the constitution or resign, meaning that a radical Islamist would probably not be president for long if he were elected.
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