Dear Diary, I Hate this Camp: Re-educating the 1%

March 30, 2015 Gonzo Today 0

artwork copyright© 2015 joeyfeldman, all rights reserved By: Rick Kepler Dear Diary, This is not an easy story to tell. But tell it I must, in the hope that one day, in the very near future, this terrible tragedy that has befallen us will be reversed and society will […]


February 25, 2015 Gonzo Today 0

By: Rick Kepler  Senator Herod Foghorn sat behind his senatorial desk, his aides at his senatorial side, at-the-ready to address his senatorial commands. “Did the call come in yet?” he inquired of his staff.  “Goddam it, he’s already called the leaders from the other side. I’m the goddam majority leader. […]

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December 13, 2014 Gonzo Today 0

By: Staff Writer Yail Bloor VATICAN CITY, ROME – Pope Francis – who has already ruffled feathers with certain liberal, even radical, pronouncements like his description of the Catholic Mass as  “boring as Hell” – recently dropped another bombshell during an interfaith meeting at the Vatican with a group of […]