The Top Ten Patsies for the Patriarchy

June 6, 2022 Karene Horst 0

The hordes of women who vote for candidates hostile to human rights or parrot the conservative talking points about: abortion (“why don’t they just keep their legs together?”) or sexual assault  (“she could have fought back”) or parenting (“good mothers stay home”); they’re automatically included.

STRIKE this sh*t

November 3, 2021 Karene Horst 0

So I won’t officially join the sex strike, and I doubt I’ll cross that picket line. Instead, I’m hoping my scruffy shins send shivers along the spines of every self-righteous asshole who feels he/she/it has the right to dictate what a woman chooses to do with her body.

God’s Grace: An Abortion Story

September 2, 2015 Karene Horst 0

By Karene Horst, contributing editor – As a child I would daydream and fidget every Sunday morning while sitting, kneeling or standing in the pew at St. Monica’s with Mother and my five brothers. Mother would cradle the youngest in the crook of one arm while swatting and grabbing at […]

A Trip Down Abortion Lane

May 3, 2015 Gonzo Today 0

By April S. Kelley It must have been four years ago when I terminated my pregnancy.  I remember it fondly. Yes, fondly. I was living in Colorado Springs, Colorado. I had a two-year-old daughter. I was on the pill — the fucking pill; never trust the goddamn pill. I was […]