Artist: Mountain King
Album: The Truth EP
Label: Self-Released
Rating: 3.8 out of 5 stars
Those lads from little ole’ southern Illinois are back at it again. Mountain King checks in with a follow up to their full-length self-released, self-produced and self-titled debut album with the wondrous, beckoning wizardry of The Truth EP.
The Truth EP is packed with action! Like compressed explosives, baby! Dynamite! Mountain King’s concentrated firepower results in a massive fiery performance in 4 new exciting tracks.
At the very instance one clicks the play button, this “extended play” Opus rolls forth and is upbeat and dynamic. Some would even say “feel good”, because hell, this is a point things subside into a happy hand-clappin’, singin’ along type breakdown.
Overall, The Truth EP is a masterful example of not only the band’s proficient grasp of technicalities and their ability to be prolific songwriters but it’s a great sonic photograph of the nuanced diversity that lies within Mountain King’s pool of talent. Each song carries a separate kind of flavor, adding to the over all piquant zing of this small collection of very progressive rock songs.
Mountain King is a band that musically can hone in on and perfect the mood of their songs by moving back and forth between the spectrum of loud and quiet.
I had to listen to this one multiple times because I was really enjoying the goosebumps it created upon my forearms. It’s at that moment when you know you have some good tunes cruising through your noggin. The forearms start listening too.
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