By: Cody S. Decker
I’ve spent my night
cross legged in my living room floor
soaking up the scenes from the TV screen
and sipping down a glass or three of whiskey
it’s getting about the time of night
where I turn my attention to another screen
and put some Otis Redding on the turntable
though I’m still in the floor I can’t sit cross legged
I’m starting to lose feeling in my feet
so now I sit with my back against the couch
and this computer in my lap
the room is still sort of hazy from smoke
but once it clears I’ll be able to see
the carnage all around me
curled up bodies of spiders litter the floor
an ashy tray is to my left
and the extension cord needed
to keep this machine going is to my right
I could have charged it earlier today
and used it without a cord
I could have dumped the tray hours ago
I could have scooped up the spiders
after I smacked them with my shoe
but the spiders like my living room floor
as much as I do
and if I leave enough of them lying around
just maybe
the next one that starts to crawl under
the crack in the sliding door
will see the mess I’ve made
and go tell his friends
to find another floor to crawl across