by Lorri Primavera
1.The View
The flight was short here to there in a flash
The window shade was down
I wanted to see the clouds
I wanted to see the land
I wanted to see-see-see from the sky!
But the girl kept the window shade down
I never asked her to open it
I never said a word about it
How was she to know?
I have no good reason why I didn’t say anything about it
I just didn’t want to
2.Song of the Onions
Sing the song of the onions
Sing the song of skin and peel
Layers of
And the onions
Leave the bag
Leave the song
Of the onions
3.The Airport Is a Strange
A strange place to air your dirty baggage
A strange place to buy new shoes
A strange place to eat sloppy chicken wings wearing a tank top
A strange place to meet Jesus
A strange place to sing happy birthday to your cat
A strange place to say goodbye to someone you’ve never met
A strange place to say hello again to someone you’ve known for years and haven’t seen for years
A strange place to take a pregnancy test
A strange place to disappear and show up 5 years later in someone’s misplaced suitcase