The Easiest Way to Live Life Fully Is to Follow Your Weird
by Nathan Thompson, from Vice.com Dec. 22, 2014
Erik Davis is an author, scholar and connoisseur of the weird. He’s spent over 20 years exploring fringe movements, occult covens, and liminal cyberspaces, finding some time in between to become one of the world’s leading authorities on West Coast counterculture and write about everything from California’s alternative spiritual groups to Burning Man.
I recently spoke to him over Skype about psychedelics, conspiracy theories, and “haunted technology.”
VICE: The phrase “follow your weird” has been associated with you. What do you mean by that?
Erik Davis: It’s what I did instead of getting a normal job. I followed weirdness and wrote about it. The exploration of the unusual became a way of being. Most of the interesting people I’ve met did the same thing; characters like Terrence McKenna and Robert Anton Wilson—those guys were very good at following their weird.