Guns: A True American Horror Story

June 9, 2022 Kidman J. Williams 0

by Kidman J. Williams Another school shooting has happened and our country is not only mourning, but people are scrambling for reasons and solutions. Just in 2022 there have already been 27 school shootings around the country. That is just the school shootings. This does not include killings like Pennsylvania. […]

Will Wood Destroys the Social Industry

May 18, 2022 Kidman J. Williams 0

by Kidman J. Williams The Interview It is OK, I didn’t know who Will Wood was either until I was approached by his PR agent Suzanne. In this present time in space we are contending with the internet. There are people much more talented than any household name that gets […]

Christmas – Behind the Beard

December 11, 2021 Kidman J. Williams 0

by Kidman J. Williams “It’s Christmas time pretty baby!” Who doesn’t get a warm feeling when Elvis Presley playfully declares that on the airwaves through your car speaker? Even if you aren’t a pretty baby, your cheeks get a little red and your body starts getting excited with the anticipation […]

Thankful For What?!?

November 25, 2021 Kidman J. Williams 0

by Kidman J. Williams They say you should be thankful on Thanksgiving. Thankful for what exactly? My family were not early settlers of the new land. We were still in Scotland fending off the English. Should I feel thankful that the English screwed over another race of people? The English […]