If I was in my twenties again with the wisdom I carry from the life I have lived, here is what I would say to my younger self. Because truly the most beautiful thing about getting older is the wisdom you carry within from the experiences you have lived through.

I will preface by saying this…my life is beautiful, I would not change it. So sons of mine and my guy remember these words are for the self that never had you in their orbit. No regrets here. Promise.

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Flow with things, don’t take life so seriously. It was not meant to be lived that way. Life will hand you so many responsibilities. When you don’t need to be serious, don’t be.

Travel whenever and anytime you can. Be a global citizen, know how to deal with people from all different realms. It makes you so much more tolerant, interesting, soulful and centered. Travel also teaches that there are difficulties to work through and we need patience and grace to manage.

Be comfortable packing an overnight bag so you are always ready to be off on a wild adventure without over thinking it. Too much time is wasted thinking of all the reasons we cannot do something. In the end they are meaningless, whereas the experience becomes part of who you are.

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Have lots of relationships before you settle down with one person. Each person you journey along with brings gifts to you. The gifts might hold a positive want or the gift is also learning what you definitely don’t want. Over time we just keep working and learning about ourselves. And then when we meet someone…we walk together with love, passion, and authenticity.

Explore physically, have a bucket list perhaps, so that you add to any relationship you are part of. Fall in love with someone who is compatible physically. Best friends are nice, in partners we need the physicality too. There is that extra connection that words cannot replace.

Don’t lock yourself into a job that does not offer you a passion and drive. We excel where there is passion. Never accept mediocrity. If you do, it’s because you didn’t pursue and seek out what makes you smile in the morning. Find it.


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