A Sensation of Intense Disgust, but Don’t Give Up

November 5, 2024 Kyle K. Mann 0

Since I’m nonpartisan, certain dear friends don’t want to talk to me. Though predictable, I find it depressing. They want reinforcement, not discussion. In most of these people, there is a common thread: they rely on mainstream media for their news.
Social cues, is more like it. That input ain’t news, it’s propaganda, designed to divide us and destroy the vital fabric of human relationships based on love and mutual respect.

Summer of Weird

July 30, 2024 Kyle K. Mann 0

There’s a theory that alien beings “harvest” human bad vibes by psychic means. They literally feed off our distress and negative energy, the theory goes. If true, they are doing a mighty good job making us all crazy. The old bumper sticker “Ignore alien orders” applies here.