Peace and Joy

December 12, 2014 Smith 0

By: Maven Cade Leary So today I was going home, entering the metro station, when some kid jumps out in front of me whatever reason. Perhaps, because I seem like a kindred spirit, the odd ones often do. This kid had some weird white shit on his nose. Looked like […]

Reflections on the Other Side of the Fish Bowl

December 12, 2014 Gonzo Today 0

By:Ernie Hurt Many a night I find myself sitting alone, often intoxicated, listening to the soothing hum of my fish tank air pump. Maybe I am a little crazy but there are few things in life as peaceful as watching fish swimming in their tank. If you really think about […]

Trial and Error

November 19, 2014 Smith 0

By: Maven Cade Leary They say you don’t truly know someone unless you see how they react under pressure. The question then becomes; how do we know ourselves if we are never forced to define ourselves and push the barriers of our limitations? Thankfully, challenges come in all shapes and […]

Re-Evolution: A Thought Process

November 8, 2014 Smith 0

By: Maven Cade Leary A revolution in the social sense is a word that implies a change in a current state, where an established order must be destroyed in order to give way to another. The distinction between a rebellion, a revolution, and evolution is mostly in the way in […]