The UFO and the New World Order

Flying saucer above highway


by Kyle K. Mann

Whatever was shining brightly over the night-shrouded freeway up ahead was extremely unusual and bizarre.

I raced out of L.A. at midnight on northbound Interstate-5 with my buddy, Ab the Editor, riding shotgun. We were bound for San Francisco and looked to arrive a bit before dawn, cruising in my very fast ex-police car.

The I-5 was different in the early 1980’s than it is now, with its brightly lit and unbearably smelly cow pens. Back then the I-5 had only been open a few years, and there were long stretches of nothing but endless dark and dusty fields.

What a Godforsaken place to drive for five or six hours. I stomped on the gas pedal impatiently, tooling the absurdly over-powered, lead-gasoline-burning cop-mobile over the barren Tehachapi Mountains and down into the huge Central Valley.

We might have smoked a couple hits of pot, but it wasn’t super strong or anything. Certainly not powerful enough to explain the grotesquely twisting lights we both were seeing over the freeway several miles ahead. The lights were piercing bright and featured unusually intense colors.

“What is that up there, man?” Ab asked, sounding genuinely puzzled. I glanced over at him as he rubbed his lightly bearded chin in thought.

“I dunno. A crop dusting plane?”

Ab grunted in disbelief. “Can’t be, it just hovers there.”

“Well… crop dusting helicopter?”

“Do those exist?”

“Think so. I dunno.”

“Then what the hell is that?”

  •        *        *        *        *      *      *

UFO researchers have noted there are predictable steps that govern many UFO sightings. Often, at first, people try to explain it away within a framework of rational belief. Ab and I were already  at the end of that first stage.

UFO’s fascinated me for years. My childhood friend, Jim Checkley, owned the first serious books I had seen on the topic, starting with Morris Jessup’s 1950’s work The Case for the UFO. I was ten years old when I read that book in 1961. I was astounded. Was science fiction actually real?

As my childhood progressed, I read everything I could about UFO’s. Major Donald Keyhoe, a Marine naval pilot, was the first serious and notable writer in the field, with his first magazine article appearing in late 1949 and his “Flying Saucer” books in the early 1950s. Carl Jung, who wrote his own work on the subject, supported the validity of Keyhoe’s first two books.

Another important source was Capt. Edward Ruppelt, who led the U.S. Air Force Project Blue Book investigation into UFO’s in the early 1950’s. Ruppelt is credited with creating the term UFO, and his insider book The Report on Unidentified Flying Objects gives a fascinating look at the subject. There are also reporter and radio broadcaster Frank Edwards’ books which gather numerous verifiable press reports, mind-blowing reads in the 1960’s.

I followed the ’60s and ’70’s works of J. Allen Hynek, Jacques Vallee and David Saunders, as well as the startling public pronouncements of first CIA Director, Roscoe Hillenkoeter when he stated emphatically in the 1950’s that UFO’s were entering our atmosphere and something should be done.

Formations of UFO’s flew over Washington D.C. in the summer of 1952? You better believe it happened, as it was described in major newspapers and even Life and Time magazines. But the next year, 1953, the secret, CIA-led Robertson Panel pulled the plug on virtually all UFO reporting, unless it was designed to make fun of little green men. The swamp gas fiasco re-opened the media gates in the mid 1960s. As the years went by, the more I looked into the reality of UFO’s, the more I was drawn in.

I often wondered if I would ever be fortunate enough to actually see a UFO. Now in 1982, in the dead of night on the deserted I-5, I was face-to-face with The Unknown, and I wasn’t too sure “fortunate” was the right word. The truth is, I felt the grip of fear.

  •       *       *       *       *      *      *

I eased up on the gas and slowed the car, originally an undercover police cruiser sold as surplus, down from 90 to 80, then 70. “The lights seem to merge,” I said to Ab with nervous awe. “The greens and reds change into yellow and blue.”

“Yeah, I see that,” Ab confirmed. We continued to describe what we were seeing to each other, in complete agreement on the details.

“What’s that weird mist?” He sounded scared. “The mist coming out of them?”

“I’ve never seen anything like it.” I let my right foot up a bit more. We slowed to 60, then 50. “I don’t wanna drive under that,” I stated firmly, with considerable apprehension.

“But look, it’s moving to the side, over that way.”

We watched the lights ease towards the ground on our right, perhaps 100 yards back from the roadway. We again agreed, as we drew still closer, that neither of us had ever viewed anything similar, and that this was an actual UFO… landing!

Ok, I confess, I was agitated and was not liking the distinct sensation that the lights were aware of me, that I was being sized up, studied. A bright beam of dazzling white light suddenly burst out from the colored lights and swept across the field towards us. What I badly wanted to do was stomp on the pedal and get out of there…

And then everything went black.

*      *       *       *       *      *

These days, pushing age 64, I’m following the subject of UFO’s warily. That something inexplicable is going on, I have no doubt. I’ve seen it but don’t pretend to know what it is. Back in the 1960’s, I had read about Barney and Betty Hill’s infamous alleged UFO abduction, of course. My I-5 incident has certain structural similarities. I find that depressing, to be honest.

By the 1980’s, there were books out that credibly noted that a “high degree of strangeness” was in play in some UFO reports, with strong indications that the U.S. Government was withholding vital information. And not just the U.S. Government. The UK had its Rendelsham Forest incident in England in 1980, as just one example. That’s a creepy one.

The book Clear Intent by Fawcett and Greenwood, published in 1984, demonstrates through actual documents obtained under the Freedom of Information Act that UFO’s have interacted with nuclear missiles, shutting the missiles down and effectively rendering them inoperable. This text shocked me when I bought it in the mid 1980s and it’s still a blithering read today: documented evidence that was pried out of the unwilling U.S. government via the Freedom of Information Act. UFO’s, it would seem, are interested in nuclear weapons.

Richard M. Dolan’s 2002 work UFO’s and the National Security State ties together numerous pieces of the UFO puzzle with intelligence agencies like the CIA and the NSA.  Which brings us to the New World Order.

What I have seen in my lifetime, from the late ’50s to 2015, is a distinct case of “boiling frog” syndrome with the heat gradually being raised so slowly that the frog does notice and doesn’t jump out. In a similar way, our once relatively free society has slowly gone beyond Orwellian in my lifetime. It’s possible, in my view, that UFO’s are being used or will be used as a mechanism to prepare us for World Government and that so far we have only seen the tip of the iceberg. Alien Disclosure, either real or manufactured, could be the last turn of the knob of the gas burner heating up the frog pot.

If the governments of the world announced that they had proof of an alien presence, possibly a threatening one, people would be frantic enough to agree to almost anything “to keep us safe.” This could include a World Government and a worldwide tyranny beyond anything ever previously experienced on our little world. Frog boiled.

  •       *       *       *       *      *     *

I realized that I was seated, and we were moving down the freeway. Something had happened. But what?

I slowly became aware of several things. First, I was no longer behind the wheel. Ab was now driving. And as strange as that seemed, I noticed that I was speaking what sounded like a language I did not understand, as was Ab. Seriously freaky!

This moaning gabble effect is termed glossolalia, which some religious groups refer to as “speaking in tongues.” I remember listening to the sounds Ab and I were making with extreme astonishment and dismay.

The utterances were scary, as if someone else was trying to speak with my voice but they weren’t used to my vocal chords. I didn’t like it, needless to say. I don’t like thinking about it now, either.

Slowly the speaking effect wore off, and we fell silent. Ab drove the car northward at the speed limit. We both sat mute, like statues of stone, recovering. What the hell happened? We finally both ventured a few questions to each other and drove into the grey San Francisco dawn to my place where we collapsed. We didn’t talk much later when we woke up. It was all extremely weird and somehow embarrassing.

  •      *       *       *       *      *      *

Over three decades have passed. Ab and I don’t speak often. For a long time I refused to talk about the experience with anyone else, and when I finally did it was just a few close friends. One of those friends arranged for me to be interviewed for a UFO book, anonymously. Otherwise, I have kept quiet about the I-5 UFO.

I used to wait for a day when UFO Disclosure occurred. Now I don’t. Disclosure could be used as an excuse to do some truly evil things in the name of security. Call me paranoid, but if it comes to that, I think we will be looking back to this relatively innocent era with longing. I’m not alone in feeling paranoid;it was researcher Charles Fort who nearly 100 years ago wrote “I think we’re property.”

Stephen Hawking has been saying for years that we shouldn’t be trying to contact aliens, as we have no idea what their intentions might be. Hawking isn’t exactly dumb. Hostile or uncaring superior aliens visiting our planet, or worse, already well-established here, is a pretty ugly scenario.

God help us if Charles Fort was actually right.

The Earth could be just a huge stinky cow pen, like those built alongside the I-5.

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About Kyle K. Mann 98 Articles
Kyle K. Mann is the pen name of a contributor to, and publisher of, Gonzo Today. He lives somewhere on the West Coast of the USA. A active recording musician since the 70s and radio broadcaster in multiple fields in the '80s and '90s, Kyle used to support himself starting in the 90s as a Union film crew member in Hollywood. His articles and interviews first appeared in Gonzo Today in early 2015, and some of them are fairly good.