By Donnie Casto II
A second hand pawn shop soul who escaped from hell,
A heart of flesh replaced with a tin penny nail.
A spiteful specter in a clay shell condemned to eternity,
With God’s tin penny nail.
Screams and wails no purgatory bail for this poor soul cursed
With no joy, no heart, just grief and rage in this chest that rattles
With rusted and stained tin penny nails.
By moonlight demons stand at his side, with gloom and misery as his guide.
An aimless ghost who’d rather suffer in heaven or rejoice in hell
Then walk through purgatory with no heart and this curse
Of tin penny nails.
For thirty pieces lady justice sales, and keeps this specter condemned
To three life sentences with this tin penny nail.
Harbor the pain with vice, drug and drink to ease the pain of no answered prayers
From the mark of Cain that has become a
chest that beats with a tin penny nail.