UPDATE (2/20/15): Interest in Being a Cop Continues to Plummet
(FILMINGCOPS) New figures have been released by WBAY showing that Seattle isn’t the only place where law enforcement jobs are undesired.
In Green Bay, Wisconsin, interest in getting hired as a law enforcement officer has dropped dramatically at nearly 50%.
“Our numbers are dropping,” says Capt. Jeff Sanborn,with the Brown County Sheriff’s Office.
“We’re struggling to get people to apply,” says Lt. Jeff Brester, with the Green Bay Police Department.
>When asked why they think their numbers are sinking, Sanborn replied “I would say negative publicity, law enforcement publicity even in the last two to three years, Ferguson obviously being one of them.”
In 2013, only 88 applicants for police work performed the written examination. In 2014, the number was even less: only 47 took the test. That is almost a 50% decline, according to statistical reports.