Drug Run: Chapter 15 – Love Light

June 5, 2024 Gonzo Today 0

Billy was playing to the crowd, the musicians on stage, and especially Suze. He performed on the blues harp with an exuberant skill she found shocking. Their first-time ever sexual consummation, only a few hours previously, fueled a crazy energy between them, linking them in an energy flux that somehow actually surpassed their earlier ecstatic union in the motel.

Drug Run: Chapter 14 – Last Chance

December 22, 2023 Gonzo Today 0

Art had somehow instantly produced a tiny coke spoon with a small mound of gleaming white crystals and slowly waved it under her nostril. And somehow it seemed completely natural for Suze to hold a forefinger to block her other nostril and sharply inhale the proffered drug. It packed a kick, she realized at once. Stuff was for real.

The Origins of Jack O’Lantern

October 29, 2023 Kidman J. Williams 0

by Kidman J. Williams This is it! The time of year when families get together and watch horror movies, buy/make costumes, and carve their pumpkins with fiendish faces to light their porches and hope that no idiotic teenagers destroy them in the street in front of their houses. Halloween is […]

Drug Run: Chapter 13 – Motel Mess

October 29, 2023 Gonzo Today 0

From his parking spot down the street, Imants recoiled in his seat. Now Suze was with… That Guy. He reached into the Gladstone bag, and pulled out the gun again, and then threw it back in the bag.

The alternative to a naughty photo

Drug Run: Chapter 12 -Getting to the Good Part

August 8, 2023 Gonzo Today 0

Billy was groaning in disbelieving shock. He stood in the shower near the spraying nozzle, water running down his back, as Suze gleefully soaped his chest with the motel giveaway bar. This had to be a dream, and if so, he hoped fervently he wouldn’t wake. He had admired, hell, outright lusted for Suze for almost all his sexual maturity. Now here she was, voluptuous body glistening in front of him, taking charge as she kept up a running commentary.

A Trip Through Ocean City

January 29, 2023 Jude Ellman 0

by Jude Ellman The times were light, it was early summer, and a generally melancholic 16-year-old boy was catching his first glimpses of freedom. He was spending a week at the beach with some acquaintances from high school. He was a year younger than them, he had something to prove. […]

Chapter 1 from The Community Garden … more than tomatoes are dying

July 21, 2022 Gonzo Today 0

The boy leans over, picks up a rock, and throws it. The rock hits the coyote. The animal lets out a yelp, dropping whatever was in its mouth, and taking off down the trail. The boy puts his feet on the pedals and slowly rides closer. Damp dark dirt is scattered around where the coyote was digging. Something long is protruding from under the fence but then sticks up at a right angle reaching to the sky. Still straddling his bike, the boy leans in for a closer look.

“Gross,” the boy says in an awed whisper, as he pulls out his cell phone.


Glory to the Heroes

July 14, 2022 Steve Corbett 0

Squealing with excitement, Kateryna raced back into the room.

“The men outside my window blew me kisses. Oh, my God, they’re so cute. They have rifles.”

“They’re our heroes,” Svitlana said.

moving men – chapter 1

June 21, 2022 Karene Horst 0

Writer Karene Horst shares her twisted perspective on relationships and the scars they leave behind with the first chapter of her novel moving men.