My neighbor calls, saying “Look off your deck.” The smoke plume I gaped at was substantial.
So I did what any self-respecting modern American would do, snapped a selfie.
That was last month, and obviously I didn’t burn up, because here I am, tapping away. Life could be worse, despite the beastly Topanga Canyon summer heat.
I thought I’d be in Costa Rica by now, but those plans are on hold. So once again, I leap to my feet at the sound of sirens. How I missed them last month, I dunno. Maybe my ears are going, the legacy of all that live and loud rock music back in the 60s. I’m afraid to get my ears tested, frankly.
So the sound I hate the most, aside from listening to politicians, is that of fire sirens in the canyon below. In 100 degree heat, with a blasting wind, the flames race along, devouring all. I’ve seen it, and don’t want to see it again. Among other things.
Uh, damn, but that brings us to politics. Today is the first day of the Democratic National Convention. It’s an ugly spectacle, given the latest email scandal that clearly shows how the establishment Dems rigged the system against Bernie Sanders. Debbie Wasserman-Schultz is so breathtakingly venal that it was difficult to watch her, even being booed by outraged Berners at a Florida delegates meeting this morning. Though I did enjoy her visible annoyance.
Not much later, Sanders tried to sell his people the need to vote for HRC. Many weren’t buying it. “This is the real world,” he lectured them. I turned it off in disgust. The sheepdog moment was over.
Which leaves us with three days more of this wretched ritual. I’m utterly uninterested in it, unless there is a credible challenge of some kind. But the fix is in, as always. Trump, the manufactured golem, will keep doing outrageous garbage, and the media will scream how close the race is, and HRC will win.
And then, come next January, the USA will likely begin an era of war hawkishness that will make the Obama Drone Wars look like an era of kindly love fests.
I was a kid in the 50s, and grew up fearful of nuclear war. Duck and cover, right? It seems to me we are headed back to that era, with Russia again the designated Bad Guy.
Arrgh. It wasn’t too long ago that the USA and Russia were friends. Yet here we go, getting ready to poke the bear.
I’ll avoid the details, aside from noting, as others have, that HRC has never seen a war she didn’t love, and that Iran is likely to be the first major target, once a convenient false flag operation is triggered.
Some days I’m enraged, others just glum. I pray, in my own fashion, but it doesn’t always work. Philosophy seems to help… Lucky to have had any fun at all, right?
But what I fear is the coming fire.
Nuclear fire.
Kyle K. Mann
July 25, 2016
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