Harold won’t communicate with me at all now, and I’m not sure if he ever will again, but maybe that’s a good thing. On the other hand, maybe I was a bit too hard on him. What do you think? Here are the last few flurries of text messages that we exchanged before he went completely dark . . . .
Bernie supports Obamacare.
9/21/15, 12:12pm
T.H. Bear
Bernie agrees with me . . . that single-payer is the ONLY solution. We need a Medicare for All solution. It will actually save us money as a country. I’ll vote for the candidate who supports single-payer. You can vote for the jokers who still think private health insurance is the way to go.
9/21/15, 12:25pm
You voted for the anti-American, Obama. We have enough problems creating Jobs and now you’re going to vote again for an anti-small business guy. Where are the jobs/taxes going to come from to support all this socialism?
9/21/15, 12:28pm
T.H. Bear
You should embrace Single-Payer.
9/21/15, 1:14pm
Bernie supported Obamacare. It’s written in stone.
9/21/15, 1:15pm
T.H. Bear
Obamacare helped a lot of people, but it didn’t go far enough. Healthcare should be a right.
9/21/15, 1:17pm
It hurt me big time.
9/21/15, 1:18pm
T.H. Bear
Republicans have no answers. Republicans think if you’re poor, it’s probably because you’re lazy, and if you’re lazy, you really don’t deserve healthcare. Is that what you think? Under a single-payer system, I think you’d have a lot more money in your pocket.
9/21/15, 1:19pm
Not true. You are brainwashed by the Left.
9/21/15, 1:20pm
T.H. Bear
I’m afraid that if anyone has been brainwashed, it’s you. Fox News has taught you that Muslims are bad, Government is bad, taxing the wealthy is bad, and “free trade” agreements are good. Fox News blames immigrants and poor people for the current state of affairs. Fox news says there’s a war on cops, and you believe them. You’ll believe almost anything they have to say. It’s sad that you can’t think for yourself. It’s sad that you have so much Hate and Fear in your heart.
9/21/15, 1:25pm
That was ruse with a lot of assumptions.
9/21/15, 1:29pm
T.H. Bear
I’ve known you for over 25 years. My assumptions are all based on past comments that you’ve made like:
“I think Obama is a Muslim.” or “He’s un-American.” or “He’s probably the anti-Christ.” or “I think Mohammad is the devil.” or “I hate Iranians.” or “There’s a war on cops.” or “If we didn’t have an illegal immigration problem in this country, then we’d have better paying jobs.”
These are all things YOU said.
You blame poor people, black people, Muslims, illegal immigrants, Obama, etc. You blame whoever Fox News says to blame because you mistakenly trust Fox News.
You can blame Obama if you want for the state of our nation, but you should also be blaming Citizens United, Warmongers, Hedge Fund Managers, Trickle-Down Economics, a For-Profit Healthcare System, and the greatest wealth inequality this country has seen since 1928.
9/21/15, 1:39pm
I never said I hate Iranians.
9/21/15, 1:40pm
9/24/15, 8:18am
T.H. Bear
There are all sorts of things wrong with that poll. Stop fearing Muslims and calling their religion evil. Please. Even if those numbers were true (which they’re not), you’re still insulting the 3/4 of American Muslims who don’t condone violence. Islam is a religion of Peace. Stop the Hate. Good Christians don’t go around telling other people how Evil other religions are. Shape up.
9/24/15, 8:27am
I’m allowed room to hate Evil. Anyone who believes in Sharia law is Evil.
9/24/15, 10:32am
Sharia law is satanic. I can’t believe u defend it.
9/24/15, 10:32am
T.H. Bear
I would hope that you hate Evil, but equating Evil with the entire religion of Islam and all Muslims runs contrary to Christianity and the teachings of the Pope. Ask your priest if you don’t believe me.
9/24/15, 10:38am
I didn’t say Islam is evil. I said Sharia law is evil.
9/24/15, 10:38am
You need to accept that Radical Islam is what it is . . . Satanic.
9/24/15, 12:20pm
T.H. Bear
I don’t care for the term “Radical Islam”. It makes me think of ISIS hanging ten on their surfboards as they drink Mountain Dew. There is nothing Radical about killing gay people (or anyone else for that matter), marrying children, or keeping slaves. People who do those things are Evil no matter if they say they’re Christian or Islamic. If they are doing any of those things, then I think they are misinformed about the religion that they claim to practice.
You seem to be trying to prove this:
Why? Why do you want to demonize Islam? Does that make you feel better to demonize an entire Religion? Hitler thought similarly about Jewish people. I’m just sayin’.
I think you should trust the Pope and your Priest on these matters. Why won’t you ask them? Why are you so stubborn? What are you afraid of?
9/24/15, 12:50pm
I don’t care what they say. Actions speak louder than words. Right now, Radical Islam’s actions are atrocious. I never said any of that, other than there is some evidence Mohammed might be evil and Sharia law, as it is written, is Evil.
9/24/15, 1:02pm
Anyone who treats others a certain way based on a book that God did not even write is an idiot. Judging people based on their actions is fine.
9/24/15, 1:03pm
I judge so I can make an informed decision on his to protect my family
9/24/15, 1:05pm
God judges
9/24/15, 1:06pm
You judge.
9/24/15, 1:06pm
T.H. Bear
I try not to judge. I’m smart enough to know that I know next to nothing.
9/24/15, 1:07pm
Without judging people, you can’t protect your family.
9/24/15, 1:07pm
T.H. Bear
9/24/15, 1:07pm
T.H. Bear
I try not to judge.
9/24/15, 1:28pm
You’re judging me.
9/24/15, 1:28pm
T.H. Bear
No, I’m not. I’m not saying you are bad or evil, and I’m not saying that I’m somehow better than you. I’m not. I’m only trying to help you question your beliefs, especially the ones that are rooted in Fear.
9/24/15, 1:32pm
T.H. Bear
I don’t like having an Islamophobe as a friend. I don’t hate you or anything. It’s just uncomfortable for me, I guess. I’d feel the same way if you were a Homophobe or a Racist.
You don’t have to be my friend.
9/24/15, 2:11pm
T.H. Bear
I want to be your friend. I just don’t like the fact that you’re Islamophobic.
9/24/15, 2:13pm
I don’t like that you do drugs and hate rich people, but I accept it.
9/24/15, 2:15pm
T.H. Bear
I don’t hate rich people.
9/24/15, 2:16pm
T.H. Bear
I accept you for who you are, but that doesn’t mean I can’t disagree with you or vice versa. I can be right and you can be wrong and we can still be friends. 😉
9/24/15, 2:19pm
T.H. Bear
I’d much rather be addicted to marijuana than have Islamophobia.
9/24/15, 2:50pm
Some parts of the world that are under Sharia law would kill you for smoking marijuana.
9/24/15, 2:53pm
T.H. Bear
I think if you had Muslim friends, then you wouldn’t be as misinformed about Islam as you seem to be. Your exposure to anything Muslim that’s not fed to you via the TV or the Internet is minimal to non-existent.
9/24/15, 3:09pm
I would think you would appreciate me for advocating for women and children.
9/25/15, 10:44am
T.H. Bear
I’m glad that you advocate for women and children. Keep it up. Just don’t throw an entire religion under the bus because a bunch of hateful nut jobs claim Islam as their religion. That’s like blaming Christianity for the KKK and the Westboro Baptist church.
9/25/15, 10:50am
You like camels.
9/25/15, 7:35pm
T.H. Bear
Are you drunk?
9/25/15, 7:35pm
T.H. Bear
I do like camels.
9/25/15, 7:35pm
You love camels.
9/25/15, 7:36pm
No, scratch that. Camels and camel toes are different. I’m not drunk. I’m just goofing off.
9/25/15, 7:36pm
about one month later . . . .
Why did you end the call? You’re just upset that the facts don’t support your arguments.
10/27/15, 10:19am
T.H. Bear
I think having preconceived notions about people based on their skin color or their religion is wrong. Racial bias is racism, in my opinion.
10/27/15, 10:25am
It’s not racist to judge a group of people based on their actions and compare them to another group of people
10/27/15, 10:26am
It’s okay to judge people based on statistics. That’s how change is started.
10/27/15, 10:51am
T.H. Bear
It is racist to judge a group of people based on their skin color. That’s the definition of racism.
10/27/15, 11:58am
That’s assuming all else is equal
10/27/15, 11:58am
T.H. Bear
It is not okay to judge for you to judge all black people based on the actions of some black people. That is what I think.
10/27/15, 11:59am
It is okay to state facts based on skin color. They’re called Facts.
10/27/15, 11:59am
T.H. Bear
There are no Facts based on skin color. You’re a racist.
10/27/15, 12:01pm
Wrong. U call people names who don’t agree with your politics.
10/27/15, 12:02pm
T.H. Bear
You judge people based off the color of their skin and it’s wrong.
10/27/15, 12:02pm
T.H. Bear
You think white people and Asian people are better than black people.
10/27/15, 12:03pm
Wrong. I judge people based on actions, statistics, and facts. I believe people are responsible for their actions, their kids, and their choices.
10/27/15, 12:04pm
Yes, I think Asians are smarter as a group.
10/27/15, 12:04pm
They value education and family more.
10/27/15, 12:04pm
I would say blacks should value family too, but you says it’s racist for me to have any expectations.
10/27/15, 12:05pm
T.H. Bear
You think that white people have better “family values” than black people.
10/27/15, 12:05pm
As a group, yes, but it’s declining rapidly.
10/27/15, 12:05pm
T.H. Bear
You’re such a racist.
10/27/15, 12:06pm
Fuck you.
10/27/15, 12:06pm
T.H. Bear
No. Fuck you.
10/27/15, 12:06pm
You’re blind to reality.
10/27/15, 12:06pm
T.H. Bear
I’m not blind to reality. The reality is that you’re a racist and a bigot. You judge entire groups of people based on the color of their skin.
You’re just out to put everyone down to make yourself feel morally superior.
10/27/15, 12:12pm
T.H. Bear
Nope. Nice try though.
10/27/15, 12:14pm
Pretending that problems don’t exist is not a solution.
10/27/15, 12:15pm
T.H. Bear
I wouldn’t bother arguing with you if I didn’t care about you. I’m trying to get you to realize that you come off as a racist when you say racist things. I could have 20 strangers read these texts of ours, and I think they’d all agree with me that you have very racist tendencies.
10/27/15, 12:18pm
It’s not racist to want a race of people to be better fathers, commit less crime, and be better citizens. It’s call hope.
10/27/15, 12:22pm
T.H. Bear
I wish I could go on pretending that you’re not a racist, but I can’t. Please tell me, educate me, why is it your view that black people lazier than white people? Why do you think black people don’t value family as much as white people? Why do you think white people are better citizens than black people? Why? Are black people inferior to white people in some way?
10/27/15, 12:23pm
You can read USA statistics. I don’t make them up. Blacks aren’t inferior, but there is a problem and someone needs to address it for the good of everyone.
10/27/15, 12:26pm
T.H. Bear
What is the underlying problem?
10/27/15, 12:26pm
Expectations. No father in the house results in lower expectations for the child as the mother is overwhelmed.
10/27/15, 12:27pm
Leadership. They need more role models.
10/27/15, 12:28pm
T.H. Bear
I think part of the underlying problem is institutional racism, but you won’t acknowledge that.
10/27/15, 12:28pm
Society needs better standards. They have been going wrong way. TV and the radio. It’s all garbage filled with sex, drugs, profanity.
10/27/15, 12:29pm
T.H. Bear
Who is they?
10/27/15, 12:29pm
We have free education, libraries and other resources available to help people help themselves.
10/27/15, 12:31pm
You have no solution other than to put down people like me who want change for the better.
10/27/15, 12:31pm
T.H. Bear
I think the solution is to educate people.
10/27/15, 12:32pm
I’m not a racist. I’m a realist. Change does not come by doing nothing.
10/27/15, 12:33pm
T.H. Bear
No, you’re pretty much a racist.
10/27/15, 12:33pm
Look who is labeling people.
10/27/15, 12:34pm
T.H. Bear
You’re just blind to it apparently.
10/27/15, 12:34pm
You’re not arguing anything other than calling me a racist because I think black men should do a better job as a group and be more responsible.
10/27/15, 12:38pm
T.H. Bear
I am calling you a racist because you think black people (in particular) should do a “better job” and be more “responsible”. Everyone should try to do their best. Everyone should value responsibility. Skin color has nothing to do with how “good of a job” people do or how “responsible” people are. Only racists say shit like that.
10/27/15, 12:46pm
T.H. Bear
Tell me, Harold, why are white people more responsible than black people? Tell me.
10/27/15, 12:48pm
T.H. Bear
Why do white people do a “better job” than black people? Please educate me.
10/27/15, 12:49pm
Hey, if you want to defend being an absent dad, then that’s your choice. I don’t understand how you’re okay with that.
10/27/15, 12:53pm
I think it’s disgusting. Putting your kids first is racist according to you.
10/27/15, 12:54pm
You’re being an asshole
10/27/15, 12:55pm
T.H. Bear
Please tell me why you think white dads value their kids more than black dads? Why is that?
10/27/15, 12:57pm
I’m not sure, but actions by entire groups of people and statistics are relevant. Ignoring the issues or calling people that bring it up racist solves nothing
10/27/15, 1:00pm
T.H. Bear
Why do you think you have such racist views?
10/27/15, 1:03pm
I don’t
10/27/15, 1:03pm
T.H. Bear
Was it your parents? Fox News?
10/27/15, 1:03pm
I actually care about all those fatherless kids.
10/27/15, 1:04pm
Under your ideology, we just let them suffer and get nowhere by blaming others instead of taking correctable actions.
10/27/15, 1:05pm
T.H. Bear
I can’t argue with you. It’s like arguing with a child. It goes nowhere.
10/27/15, 1:08pm
I feel the same. You don’t care about progress or change. It’s easier just to blame people.
10/27/15, 1:09pm
You’re a bigot.
10/27/15, 1:13pm
T.H. Bear
We’re done.
10/27/15, 1:13pm
T.H. Bear
Dude . . . I don’t have time for this anymore.
10/27/15, 1:14pm
I don’t hate people, and you’re attacking me for thinking we need change because of the current state of things needs improvement. If you don’t want to be my friend, that’s your choice.
10/27/15, 1:22pm
T.H. Bear
I want to be your friend. At the same time, I can’t condone your racist viewpoints. I also can’t expect you to address a problem that you don’t even think exists. That won’t ever happen, but it is a problem . . . for me it is anyways. I never want my kids to hear some of the hateful ignorant things that come out of your mouth. I’d ask that you are open to the idea that you have some racial biases that need to be looked at and addressed. Without that open-mindedness, I’m not sure where we can go from here.
10/27/15, 1:35pm
You accuse me of racism because I bring up real issues in the USA. Acknowledging issues doesn’t make a person racist. That’s what politics are all about. You can’t come up with solutions without acknowledging problems. It’s like just because I don’t agree with you on these things, you’re going to call me names. If you’re looking for a reason to not be my friend because I’m not a Socialist, just say it. You say and do a lot if things I wouldn’t want my kids to be exposed to either.
10/27/15, 1:57pm
T.H. Bear
I agree. You’re not acknowledging the problem.
10/27/15, 2:01pm
How is stating statistics racist?
10/27/15, 2:10pm
T.H. Bear
Typically, you don’t delve into statistics. You just say things like Black people (as a group) are lazier when compared to whites, or Black people (as a group) don’t value their children as much, or Black people (as a group) need to do a better job, or Black people (as a group) need to be better leaders, or Black people (as a group) need to take responsibility, or Black people (as a group) are not as intelligent as Asian people. The racism is so thick, it’s hard to believe you don’t recognize it.
10/27/15, 3:06pm
Half of that you’re making up. Here are some statistics:
10/27/15, 3:13pm
57.6% of black children, 31.2% of Hispanic children, and 20.7% of white children are living absent their biological fathers.
10/27/15, 3:13pm
57 people were shot in Chicago last weekend. I know it’s probably racist to state that.
10/27/15, 3:15pm
80% of rapists with anger problems come from fatherless homes –14 times the average.
10/27/15, 3:20pm
71% of all high school dropouts come from fatherless homes – 9 times the average.
10/27/15, 3:21pm
85% of all children who show behavior disorders come from fatherless homes.
10/27/15, 3:21pm
Get the correlation yet?
10/27/15, 3:21pm
85% of all youths in prison come from fatherless homes – 20 times the average.
10/27/15, 3:22pm
T.H. Bear
Why do those problems exist? Tell me why? Please.
10/27/15, 3:30pm
Not sure how sharing any of those stats makes me racist. It appears that a lot of these problems could be simply solved by men taking care of their kids.
10/27/15, 3:30pm
I keep telling you why, but you won’t accept it
10/27/15, 3:31pm
T.H. Bear
Tell me again. Tell me again why Black people have these problems more than White people.
10/27/15, 3:32pm
I know you want to blame others, but it’s just a personal choice that is accepted more in the black community. Hispanics have almost the same rate of poverty as blacks, yet about half the rate of children living with an absentee father.
10/27/15, 3:37pm
T.H. Bear
I think one of the reasons there are a lot of absentee fathers is because a large number of black males are dead or in jail because of issues related to institutional racism, but you probably don’t know anything about that, do you? Growing up without having your dad present in your life is not a personal choice. That’s such nonsense.
10/27/15, 3:39pm
T.H. Bear
I’m done talking about race or religion with you. There is no getting through to you. It’s a huge fucking waste of my time.
10/27/15, 3:43pm