Most people wouldn’t highlight that they had to fight a public effort to recall them from office, but most people aren’t Gov. Scott Walker of Wisconsin. Walker can’t escape the usually short-term memory of politics. It seems that if you cross labor unions, people don’t soon forget.
While Walker was bragging from his soapbox in Des Moines, Iowa, boos and chants of “liar” screamed from the mouths of protesters who drove down from Wisconsin just to be sure that Scott Walker understood where they stood.
Somewhere in Walker’s head he thought this was a great moment to dig the knife further by bragging about his win against the unions in Wisconsin. This is when he mentioned that he beat the recall.
Walker shouted at the crowd of protesters and supporters, “I am not intimidated by you sir or anyone out there,” Walker yelled to one heckler, “This is what happened in Wisconsin. We will not back down; we will do what is necessary.”
Many people are not sure of Scott Walker. The one big question comes with the idea that if you can’t hold your own state together, how will you ever hold the nation together. That idea doesn’t even include the foreign diplomatic affairs that you have to perform as the Commander in Chief.
Walker’s affiliated super PAC is a nod to his cocky attitude, his so-called successful fights with the labor unions and his recall win. He calls it “Unintimidated PAC.”
Walker is obviously a candidate with delusions of grandeur.
Don’t forget that he admitted just how deep in the sheets he lies with the Koch brothers. This is the audio and transcribed phone call from when blogger Ian Murphy posed as David Koch and got Walker to admit to some seriously dirty politics.
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