The Interview
By Mario Burns
Seems I’ve changed these last few years
My eyes were always somewhat open
Now they are wide open
My mind shifts towards Anarchy these days
Complete rebellion
Responsibilities tell me, I need to find work
My interview is today
Wake up earlier than I want to
Didn’t get my morning joint
I’m sweating on the ride
I never sweat.
I used to play dress up for these things
Today, there is dirt on my pants
My beard is out of control, and I’m wearing sandals
I could give a fuck.
I meet the people I may work for
There is no humanity in their eyes
Just bullshit
If they only knew how dead they were
I used to sit in fear of these things
I ask them my questions
Every answer they give pushes me in the other direction
Within five minutes of this interview
I’ve concluded
An eleven year old has more going on upstairs than these people
Not sure if I want to cry or vomit at this point
To help with this complete waste of my time
I start to tell myself
“Don’t get discouraged Mario. Corporations are pushing out everyone. They set all the rules now. We killed the unions ourselves. Regardless of who you work for. They are most likely whores, and the people above you have sold out to a machine that wouldn’t give them water if they were dying of thirst.”
Now I’m locking eyes with this smug prick across from me
He speaks up
“Sir. Congratulations. We would like to go ahead and offer you this wonderful opportunity. After 6 months, you’ll get benefits. Think of the first 6 months as probation. We also will give you a raise if you never miss a day during those 6 months. Before we can sign, I actually need a urine sample, thanks.”
I can’t do this anymore
Corporate America I cannot sell myself to, or become a modern-day slave for.
Fuck you, I’m not interested.