By: Donnie Casto II
“The final test of truth is ridicule. Very few dogmas have ever faced it and survived.” – H.L. Mencken
The blood of innocent lives has been shed in France. Paris, it seems, has suffered their equal to our very own ‘Boston Massacre’, an event in which the War for Independence was sparked. No matter, the powers that be, a.k.a media, bankster and government puppet masters, have already ensured that the fast food, have it all, news at the speed of touch society will remark their condolences at more lives lost in the international war of terror. These lives. though, take on a new meaning simply for the common human thread of writing and journalism we share. Most lines of employment come with a degree of danger; some even come with a potential loss of life. I am at a loss for words in an incoherent vortex in the realization that even at the expression of thought or speech or even works of art there are elements of humanity who will, if given the chance, kill you for alternative thoughts, politics, religion, sexuality, or opinion.
Apparently it’s wholesome and artistic to the media at large for ‘Jesus in a jar of urine’ to be considered expressive art but take liberties with the medium of satire regarding the prophet Muhammad, and there is an element of individuals who will lose their fucking minds my friends.
Extremism, within any belief or ‘religion’, should never silence or censor a free people, society, or nation! Awakening and reporting this truth, in any format, now comes with the sincerest possibility of being targeted for death.
Not just to appear to be throwing Muslims under the proverbial bus, let’s examine the skeletons of CIA, Bush Administration, Benghazi, Fast & Furious, IRS targeting scandals, both political committees, and any other organization that has inhibited free speech and honest journalism? On a side note, I’m still waiting for the FBI, ATF, and DHS to deal justice to the pedophiles in the Catholic Church. . .
While the mainstream media today has culled the masses of sheep with no genuine ‘kick you in the balls’ awake reporting, the powers that be have helped create the perfect storm to spark the democide of honest journalism. Now it seems those in the field of media and reporting are subject victims to a global war on thought.
Perhaps the larger question is how any religion, faith, or philosophy with events based solely in the Middle East have such a pull on the rational mind of a human being to instigate them to commit such blatant acts of violence? Furthermore, when did a creed or belief become on equal stature with race or ethnicity with its actions free from public debate and examination, even satire, in the press?
We can allow the condemnation of gays, denial of women’s rights, morality over abortion, and other extremist issues to spew from the mouths of our favorite (insert paradigm party) candidate, pulpit pimp televangelist, or the latest golden calf celebrity. But speak out on this subject, and the bleeding hearts of society will condemn you as ‘Zionist’, ‘bigot’, ‘racist’, ‘Islamophobe’, ‘right winger’, and my personal favorite as a libertarian supporter, ‘neo con’.
The stakes are higher now in the field of journalism and reporting, make no mistake. Never in the annals of history has mankind needed the dark knights of ‘ink and rage’ — writing and journalism. No time to sweat over the little details anymore. The wolves have run out of sheep to cull, and now they are moving towards the sheepdogs of this society. Journalist, constitutionalist, the few remaining in our military and law enforcement with a set of morals and ethics are now the latest to be culled.
Make no mistake; there are evident elements of extremism in society, They aren’t going to be reasoned with, there is no line or logic of persuasion and, even at the expense of converting under fear, in the end they likely will condemn you as the prototype ‘infidel’. They hold their views to be such truth; they are willing to kill for them and to die for them. Even complete surrender to these elements is unacceptable.
My heart grieves for the loss of life in France. It grieves me that journalists now bare the target of execution, and what especially grieves me is the degree of cowardice these bastards believe the reasonable, rational-minded, free-thinking, freedom-loving human being has. A free people, a free press and a free society, who out of fear of condemnation or death, remain silent on issues which evidence, facts, and open debate are denied become slaves to extremism in their silence alone.
I hope for the sake of open debate, honest journalism, and support of a free society and people, that those satire cartoons are shared on every media format. I encourage the admins and writers of GonzoToday to post them, and I especially encourage all people, who in the name of liberty and freedom to which natural law dictates all being have a right to, post the hell out of these satire photos!
The victory we seek will not be solely won in the fields of battle, but in the war of the minds, as it should be the endeavor of every human being and every journalist of honor and courage to make social pariahs and lepers of such extremist views.
art by Clayton Luce