gonzofest 2015
Episode 2.5: The Smell of Gonzo is dedicated to the wonderfully weird, the beautifully bold and amazingly unique people of Louisville, Kentucky. LISTEN TO PODCAST HERE
Last Limited Edition DVDs of Hunter’s GonzoVille Documentary Available Now – $20 – Last chance to buy!!!
So GonzoFest 2015 was a huge success!!! This growing local music and arts festival honoring Louisville native and famed outlaw journalist, Hunter S. Thompson has gone from an idea for a memorial celebration at the Monkey Wrench bar to a several thousand person event featuring live music, the arts, booze, […]
Ron Whitehead Joins the Circus
The Bone Man, Outlaw Poet, Thunder of the Storm Generation, Shaman of the One Gonzo Spirit, Gonzofest co-founder & our own beloved Poetry Editor, RON WHITEHEAD, sat down at this year’s Fest in Louisville with Kidman Williams of The Great American Circus podcast to lay down some righteous truth and […]
Whims of the Great Magnet
By: David Pratt We left at 10:00 and drove all night, out of Massachusetts, through Connecticut, and across New York in pouring rain, thunderstorms, lightning crash flashing snap glimpses of the pitch black road barely seen through storm and stoned headlight searching, into a miles-long construction site with one tight lane and a great […]
By Cody S. Decker AKA The Colonel As the rain starts to fall here in Kentucky, I’m starting to wind down. Finally starting to come off of this high I’ve ridden for about three days now. As I’m sure you know, GonzoFest 2015 was held this past Saturday in Louisville, […]
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