By: Kidman J. Williams
PETA is now at it again. You would think that they would be hunting down mink farms and throwing paint on unwitting people wearing their expensive leather coats, not this time. PETA is actually going after the video game world. Yes, you read that correctly, video games.
PETA is taking action against Games Workshop, they make little figurines from the game Warhammer 40,000.
PETA wants the CEO Kevin Rountree to stop depicting fur on their futuristic space Viking miniatures. To some people (including this writer) this may sound like a really trivial and stupid request, but PETA does have its own reasons.
What are their reasons?
PETA wrote in their blog that by clothing them in the plastic fur makes it seem OK to wear fur despite it being soldiers from a fictional universe and plastic.
Yep, still sounds dumb to me. Here is PETA’s direct quote below.
PETA has written to Games Workshop CEO Kevin Rountree asking that the leading British miniature war-gaming brand ban “fur” garments from all Warhammer characters. While we appreciate that they are fictional, draping them in what looks like a replica of a dead animal sends the message that wearing fur is acceptable – when, in fact, it has no more place in 2017 than it would in the year 40,000.
I have obviously showed no respect to PETA in this piece. I have no reason to. The request that PETA is asking is one that they need to drop. It is a conjured plea from people who have nothing better to do at this time from people who really don’t do a whole lot of good.
If PETA is looking for something more substantial to go after, there are plenty of videos circulating around social media and YouTube where people are actually harming animals. They need to roll up their sleeves and put in some work to find those people instead of attacking a company who makes figurines from a video game that isn’t even real.