Mark Linnhoefer – On Saturday, two men using a drone tried to smuggle pornographic CDs, a handgun, some suboxone, some tobacco and a lot of K2 (“synthetic marijuana”) into the Western Correctional Institute in Cumberlan, according to the Maryland Department of Public Safety and Correctional Services.
The pair were found in a side road along the prison in a truck with a small, four-propeller drone that was supposed to carry the contraband into the correctional facility. Authorities had been keeping an eye on the two men already, as they were suspected of previously smuggling the goods iinto the prison. If they actually have any connections to any of the prison inmates remains unknown at the time.
“This is the first case in Maryland where a drone is suspected in a contraband delivery plot” said Stephen Moyer, Public Safety and Correctional Services secretary of Maryland. While that may be true, it is certainly not the first time that this has happened in the US – just last month a drone dropped off about two ounces of real weed, some heroin and a lot of tobacco in the courtyard of Mansfield prison in Ohio. This drop-off caused a huge fistfight among 75 inmates who were in the yard at the time.
The two men who tried to make some inmates both happy and prison-rich are currently being detained, one without bail and the other on bail for 250,000$.
This reporter would like to add on a personal note that calling K2 “synthetic marijuana” is like saying that Speed is “synthetic cocaine” – complete and utter bullshit! The main active compound of marijuana is Tetrahydrocannabinol, which is not even an ingredient of K2; all K2 is are random herbs dowsed with – and soaked in – highly experimental and dangerous chemicals. Get that through your fucking skulls please!
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