By: Ashley Beth
A guy stood in my line of vision
And he looked at me
He squared his body face on with mine
And he just looked at me
He stood there
Looking at me
For an hour
He left enough distance between us
To not commit to an interaction
He just stands there
In my Line of Vision
Waiting for my Wandering Eye
To catch his Waiting One
And then…..
Who the Fuck knows?
Am I supposed to do something?
Just because this male human feline
Put his favoring eye in my Vision Line
Oh wait, did he just raise his chin?
A universal sign of attraction
In this Human Animal Kingdom?
I wanna fuck you like, uh,
Just to get you out my way
So I can fucking see
What’s right in front of me
You see, Sir
You’re standing in MY Line
My Line
Of Motherfucking
….VISION !!!
And I can’t fucking see
All the pretty colors
And all the wild horses
With you in the way
What do you want with my Line of Vision?
What does Standing and Intensely Gazing
Mean to you?
What’s it supposed to
Mean to me?
And does this all mean
I’m supposed to….fucking do something?
Bow down to the hero who hath
Conquered the Task of Understanding
The Wandering Ways of the Female Eye
And the Misunderstanding that
If you stand somewhere in one of our
Many Lines of Vision
‘They’ll come up to you’
‘Oh shoa, they’ll come up to Ya, bub’
Easy as Pie
Whatever happened
To expressing interest
With a Wave
And a Smile
And a Hug?
The kind in which we know
We don’t want to pull away from?
I guess we Got Done that Chivalry thing
Probably around the time
The phones started ringing
In a World of Constant Network Connection
Yet no Real Contact Netted
I’d like a little contact
I’d like your contacts
And the Whites of your Eyes
In Line with Mine
Directly in front of me
I wanna see it
I wanna see you
In my mind
The way I’ll always remember
Never mind that minimalist shit
Of Just Standing
In my Line of Vision