#billtotheville first popped up as a social media hashtag around two weeks ago. But it certainly needs a little more steam before it goes anything close to viral.
Murray was friends with Hunter S. Thompson and played him in the film “Where the Buffalo Roam,” which loosely depicts the gonzo journalist’s exploits.
Murray landed the role during his first season on “Saturday Night Live.” When he returned to SNL after finishing the film, people in the cast and crew noticed a remarkable change in Murray — he’d essentially become Thompson while shooting the film, complete with bad habits and clothing choices.
Legend has it that one night after way too many drinks at Owl Creek, the pair argued about who was the better escape artist, prompting Thompson to tie Murray to a chair and chuck him in the pool. Murray nearly drowned before Thompson discovered Murray had no such skills.
It wasn’t until “Where the Buffalo Roam” was released and decidedly panned that Murray shed his Thompson persona.