COMMENTARY | On ANTIFA and the Impotence of Violence

September 19, 2017 Mark James 0

  CHAOS is the enemy of power. What else does ANTIFA offer, in the perpetuating of confrontation, wallowing in self-righteous indignation, seeing Nazi’s punched, sharing videos, sharing all the same talking points the way the polished Fox following would, knowing their actions grow the Nazi movement? Why do they do […]

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Fear and Loathing in Remer: Chpt. 3

December 28, 2015 T.H. Bear 0

“I have a feeling that I’ll regret this, but I want to make a confession,” Eric said to us as we drove past the gas station on the way to the golf course.  “I want your advice.  Steve doesn’t even know what I’m about to tell you.  Can you guys […]

Hitler is a Cunt

March 11, 2015 Kidman J. Williams 0

artwork copyright© 2015 joeyfeldman, all rights reserved; By: Kidman J. Williams Adolf Hitler was a cunt! That is the only statement that comes to mind when I think about the cowardly little former painter turned Cunty McTwatalot. I know, most writers would write something a little less abrasive, a little […]