SHORT STORY | The Final Session

October 4, 2017 Ty Reynolds 0

Randall looked down at the broken shoelace on his left sneaker that he had simply tied back in place after unintentionally stretching it too its limits that morning, causing it to snap in his hands. He unconsciously attempted to flex the persistent pain from the fist he had struck his […]

COMMENTARY | On ANTIFA and the Impotence of Violence

September 19, 2017 Mark James 0

  CHAOS is the enemy of power. What else does ANTIFA offer, in the perpetuating of confrontation, wallowing in self-righteous indignation, seeing Nazi’s punched, sharing videos, sharing all the same talking points the way the polished Fox following would, knowing their actions grow the Nazi movement? Why do they do […]

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The Ambassador

December 13, 2015 Gonzo Today 0

  By Malcolm Mc Neill The first time I saw Mrs. Smith, she was lying next to me on the side of a bus. Later that same day I spotted her husband on the side of another one. De rigueur as it is for Hollywood movie stars, each of them […]

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“Tapping my own Phone” Vol.1 Ep.10 w/ Ron Whitehead

February 23, 2015 Ron Whitehead 0

Ron tackles Shooter’s topic “Should songs glorifying violence against women be banned” in tapping my own phone with ron whitehead, episode 10, produced by shooter russell. Poet, author, scholar, activist Ron Whitehead presents readings and talks on a spectrum of subjects from his Kentucky roots to individual freedoms and rights […]