Give Me Your Tired, Your Poor, & Your Mexicans

February 3, 2022 Steve Corbett 0

by Steve Corbett – Greetings From Scranton Local yokel news talk radio and braying white nationalist social media “broke” the shocking news story. Vague newspaper and television reports followed suit. Scurrilous false rumors spread throughout Northeastern Pennsylvania neighborhood bars, supermarkets and other overwhelmingly white ethnic gatherings. Non-English speaking children, for […]

Hitler is a Cunt

March 11, 2015 Kidman J. Williams 0

artwork copyright© 2015 joeyfeldman, all rights reserved; By: Kidman J. Williams Adolf Hitler was a cunt! That is the only statement that comes to mind when I think about the cowardly little former painter turned Cunty McTwatalot. I know, most writers would write something a little less abrasive, a little […]