Irma Update from Donnie Casto 9/10/17 @ 8:00 PM:
Irma Update from Donnie Casto 9/10/17 @ 6:00 PM:
Irma Update from Donnie Casto 9/10/17 @ 4:20 PM:
Irma Update from Donnie Casto 9/10/17 @ 2:30 PM:
Irma Update from Mayor Gonzo Mays 9/10/17 @ 1:00 PM
Irma Update from Kidman J. Williams 9/10/17 @ 11:00 AM PM:
Irma Update from Kidman J. Williams 9/9/17 @ 10:30 PM:
Irma Update from Donnie Casto 9/9/17 @ 7:30 PM:
Irma Update from Mayor Gonzo Mays 9/9/17 @ 6:00 PM:
Irma Update from Donnie Casto 9/9/17 @ 5:30 PM:
Irma Update from Donnie Casto 9/9/17 @ 12:50 PM:
It’s a beautiful sunny day here in Bradenton. A nice 15mph breeze is going, and despite the news of a line dancing hurricane that seems to have listened to too many Bill Ray Cyrus tunes, one would think it’s a typical weekend in the Sunshine State. Floridians bought the ticket, either by birth or by choice in the ride known as hurricane season.
Projections have Irma at a category three by the time it hits here late tonight/early morning. The eye of this storm is going to come right over us. Though about an hour drive separates us, my brother from another mother, Kidman J. Williams and I are fully committed on this road to the belly of the beast.
You can’t make it anymore gonzo than this.
The brunt of the winds will start 8am on Sunday. This will be my first hurricane experience.
Those of you who have kept up to date on the storm my life has been the past two years, I can’t think of a more poetic experience than to physically experience what I have endured mentally and emotionally. Thankfully, I have an awesome wife to be the anchor I need in this moment. I’ll try to post a live video later this evening.
Hunker down and strap yourself in, we’re heading in at 105mph right into the nerve center of Irma. Shall we begin?
Irma Update from Kidman J. Williams 9/9/17 @ 11:30AM:
Irma Update from Mayor Gonzo Mays 9/9/17 @ 9:30AM:
It’s begun. According to Gov. Rick Scott the effects of Irma are starting to be felt in Key West & the Florida Keys. Here we go folks. Hang on to your hats.
Irma Update from Donnie Casto 9/9/17 @ 2AM:
Latest Weather Channel projections have the hurricane eye passing around the Bradenton/Tampa area. Thankfully, we do have a strong apartment building and are three blocks away from an evacuation building.
As of 2:00am; there is no mandatory notice to leave in Manatee County Zone D on the Manatee County website. It’s a picture perfect night outside. Reminiscent of Van Gogh’s ‘Starry Night’ without the visual impression one ingested shrooms for the trippy visual effects.
It’s oddly quiet, with the only impression of “the calm before the storm” going through my mind.
I have been afforded the opportunity to speak with some friends and family. Sharing some insights on life and a few laughs have been some good medicine for the nervous soul. Here in a bit, I’m gonna watch some Parks and Recreation for some needed laughs with my spirit animal, Ron Swanson.
There is no turning back now, this is the belly of the beast, the descent into the vortex of impending reality.
This is keeping it real gonzo journalism.
I’m going to attempt a video post and as long as I have Wi-Fi, I’ll keep you all up to date as possible.
I take no shame in admitting I am a bit nervous. Am I afraid? No. I’ll do whatever is needed to keep my wife, our son, and my mother in law safe and I’ll not leave my other three kids without seeing their father again.
I am persuaded I was born, with a passion to write, for this moment. To cover the human element, to give a voice to those the news will never interview and to show the libertarian spirit of voluntary cooperation for our fellow human being .
Am I ready for this hurricane?
I was born ready!
I’m Donnie ‘f**kin’ Casto!
#IRMA, #Florida #storm #irmaupdates #gonzotoday #gttv
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