By: Jeroen Melis
08.01.2015 The day after, people are claiming to be Charlie right now.
They have never written, drawn or said any word of sense before.
Social media users proclaim ‘Je suis Charlie’ (‘I am Charlie‘) after terror attack kills 12 at Charlie Hebdo magazine office in Paris.
Inside their small heads frustration, hate and feelings of anger are boiling every day.
While the were watching the telly, they shouted to to screen, “Let’s kill all Muslim people”
When they saw a white cop arresting a black dude, they proudly embraced this good action…guilty or not.
The war in Iraq, Afghanistan and Israel…gave them something to hatch out.
Untill the skull collapsed.
Is this another Social media hype?
Or are they truly representing their own opinion when they say, “Je suis Charlie”?
People across Europe hold vigils for those killed in the attack on satirical newspaper. The phrase “je suis Charlie” has become a rallying call for people expressing solidarity with the victims around the world, but what are they really thinking.
Me personally..
I still do remember the day of 911, I do remember the day of Pim fortuin and Theo van Gogh.
I’m not Charlie and I will never be.
Instead I prefer to be myself and shout out my own true voice.
I will never believe the hype.
I show respect by writing about this subject. And while I’m writing right now…
I will hold a minute of silence…
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