There I stood, observing this madness
“Where is the tipping point in our mind?”
I asked myself.
“When do we reach the transition point to switch of humanity, to transform a living creature with consciousness into a death plastic toy? “
Don’t talk just start the film “A day old chick”
Press record…
Don’t talk just watch.
Thousands of living chicks on the assembly line.
Transformed by machines into products, material and even trash
Hundreds of Zombies behind the line.
Chicks are running on the catwalk
Watched and controlled by a jury of (Human) Operators
The audition, to become product or trash
I was looking and scanning the environment, to find a good actor,
and here he was..
The chicks were running scared into the wrong direction of the assembly line.
Trying to escape and looking for a place to hide.
“This one looks funny” some one said. His big hands grabbed the dick and without any expression he squeezed it to death. ” Hey.. Look! , It looks like a tennis-ball” the guy said to his workmate.
No one knows the name of this guy he was just a fellow worker.
They didn’t talk about their private life’s and to make it easier they gave themselves easy nicknames like Bad boy Bill, crazy eyed Nick, or Freaky Willy.. or just You..
“Hey You there, Yeah You….. Stop playing around with that tennis-ball and go back to work!!” The Foreman shouted.
With his hollow dark glaze eyes, the guy starred back to the chief in charge.
“Ok Boss” he mumbled..
When the boss was out of reach he smiled to his mates..and some crazy eyed men started to shout;
“Come on Dickhead, you can do it! ”
With a smooth layup the squeezed chick was smashed into a trash bin.
“Ow yeah, 3 pointer!”,
“Eat this Robertson!!, Milwaukee chicks are coming!!”
The zombies went back to work and the monotonic sounds of the machine hypnotized them for a while
“Hey!……. This one looks funny” some one said.
This film is made in 2009, but for me personally it’s still a recent subject
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